Not sure if they have told us or not yet, but will any campaign/multiplayer maps have snow in them? Jw. Cause so far it looks all grass
so far no, all bungie has let us know off is forge world, but if they could make one map like that im sure they could come up with some other themed maps maybe smaller. Like a snowy canyon, marsh land etc to build maps on. A terrain editor would be awesome but it wont have it
For some reason I'm getting an error saying my message is too short, so I'm just putting some text here blah blah blah.
Quoting and posting doesn't add to a post's character count. They need to be your own words from your own heart. <3 Anyway, I'm hoping for some other DLC Forge worlds down the line. Snowy one being included.
Hmm which begs the question what type of environment would you all like for the next "Forge World" type map? I mean come on, Bungie will likely release another Forge oriented map in the map packs, what do you want it to be like. Desert like Sandbox, Covenant, UNSC, Snow... maybe even like a swamp.
Yea I saw that, but I couldn't get a good look at the picture. Thanks for the help too guys! As for another forge world, I know its thinking ahead but your right. I bet by the end of reach we will have 2 forgeworlds, which would be awesome. My question is if they wanted to add weather effects....would it have to be added in the map or game engine?
If I could choose any environment for the next a hypothetical forge world dlc, it would be a large rainforest type area. with very overgrown low areas, and very rocky high altitudes, like the andes there's never been a jungle map
I hope there is snow so I can make a map with the sort of style that Sidewinder had. I just liked the "feel" of the map.