Map idea - BigRig

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Okay so this is my idea, BigRig. It is situated underneath the large waterfall on Forgeworld. It will be propped up on legs just above the water. The waterfall falls directly through the center hole. In the team bases, there are two circular platforms I added for an air vehicle such as the falcon.

    For this reason there will have to be anti-aircraft such as turrets and rocket/laser.

    The waterfall will kill vehicles but not humans. I will do this by adding a vehicle teleporter in the waterfall.

    The red opacity in the middle is a one way door that will suck players down if they fall down into the hole (as if the waterfall dragged them) and they will not be able to get back up (even with jetpacks). They will then either fall to their death or float for a few seconds and the time barrier will get them >;D

    So, please discuss the idea guise and also do not steal :p
  2. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Aww, I had ideas for the waterfall too :C. You beat me to it.

    That doesn't stop me from doing it :p.

    Anyways this looks like a very simple map, a rectangle with 2 floors, amirite? Then the waterfall will fall through the center hole also passing through the center bridge into the hole, and the hole will have one-way shield doors. Just a tip: there are three waterfalls. One solitary, and the two others right next to eachother. Maybe you can use the two connected ones and put them through the two holes. No sex puns intended. Anti-air weapons would just be what you named, right? Not like a immobile rocket hog so that you can have a SAM site-esque thing, that'd be cool. And teleporters are like Cold Storage, so they would be sticking out of the waterfall in a weird way if I imagine it right. Cool ideas, I say personally the layout might be a tad basic, but that never made it bad. Go for it, we all have crazy things planned for Forge World.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yes, I kept it basic because I wanted it to based on the aircraft helping the game progress. As in the aircraft is helping spotting people and just shooting people on the ground.

    I never thought of the rocket hog idea tbh. I think it may get destroyed to easily but I would have to test it.

    Yes I watched the videos multiple times to get the exact layouts of the water falls.
    It goes big, big space, small, space, small. I think this map would best suit the big waterfall, but I have some epic ideas for the double waterfall (Involving conquest).

    Yes I know the teleporter is ugly but that can be hidden in the middle of the waterfall, either low down, or high up and I will set the height really high, just so it is out the way.
  4. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    the teleporter would work well, since you can set the teleport area to however big you want it, you could put the tele at the bottom and extend the area up to the top. also rocket hog, or *GASP* maybe bungie included the ability to place a missile pod turret.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I hope they have, it would be great. But the lock on from the grenade gun thing would be great as well, I forgot about that gun, and yes I know the teleporter would work well! -.-
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    You could place a Shade Turret in the back of each base. Because those seem like they would make a very good Anti Air weapon. And if the back of each Teams base is open, like where the Falcon will spawn, that will probaly be where the player spawns the most. Which will encourage the other team to just camp behind the enemy teams base with their Falcon and spawn kill. But by having a Shade in the back of each base it will force the other team to avoid the back of the map and use the Falcon either for air support, or as you said to simply spot enemies. And i would also like to include that its probaly not a good idea to have a Spartan Laser or Missle Pod in each base because it renders the Falcons useless, because at the beggining of the match teams will immediatley grab there Falcon for a rush attack and it will just be lasered immediatley. So i would suggest just haveing the Shade turrets in the back of each base to prevent spawn killing, and then have a central rocket launcher or Spartan Laser on a high respawn time. To provide some support to players in the center of the map.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Ughh, green -.-

    I think a shade turret would be great, it fires like anti air and looks like alien anti air. :D
  8. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Sorry i like green lol
  9. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    You canhazbystealing :)

    OT: never mind on my OP, the map would be very, very cool IMO
    #9 SenorFluffyBuns, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think I have it on good ground that the map was my idea, seeing as though I have a graphic for it and a thread, well ahead of reach's release, so yeah, if someone was to steal it, I doubt they could convince the community it was their idea.
  11. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    I think you have a great idea going here B3NW, but why not take this concept and make it even "bigger" I mean yeah ok it may be big already, but the opportunities that Forge 2.0 and Forge world will open would mean that this map could be comparitvely small. (all speculation here)
  12. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Just looking at the title has inspired me to recreate the BP Oil spill in forge, complete with faulty oil rig and I'll put a bunch of "oil" barrels just floatin in the water.
  13. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Lol, Make it an infection gametype. Storyline - The oil spill mutated the fish and turned them into super mutant zombies hellbent on killing all the workers from the oil rig :p
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hmm I was only joking at first but that is actually a stellar idea. I might actually go for it, who knows maybe it'll be a big hit.
  15. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    I want a mention!!! Or a co-forge opp?
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    HAHAHA amazing.

    Anyways, the idea for the map is great. I can see the waterfall being used by a TON of people, but the idea is still great. I wonder if the waterfall can push non-phased objects (probably can't). Then you could make a switch/aesthetic piece.
  17. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    You could make a spining padel thing, like water mills used to use in the past.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Trust me, I had ideas of making the BP oil spill -.-

    I doubt the waterfall has any physical power, that is why I am going to add the one way door so that no one can get back up if they fall.
  19. TheHurtSquirrel

    TheHurtSquirrel Forerunner

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    Same, you could actually make a gametype where you have to close the spill but some zombies are stopping you. o_O

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    I think it would be cool if u put a good weapon worth fighting for floating in the waterfall about 6 feet from the shield door! so if the players want an advantage they would have to risk their lives!!! and if u have it so u cant jetpack out of the fall wouldnt they just go to the side of the map and be out from under the platform?(iunno if they would be able to do that b4 the soft barrier thing) and this is prob off topic but can u adjust the timer on the barriers?

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