I finally got my forged map on here It’s like the ancient Greeks in that big arena where they fight 2xsnipers 1xrocket 8xsmg 4xbattle rifle 2x Spartan lazar 1xshotgun Plasma nades Frag nades Fire bomb 2xbubble shields 2xtrip mines 1x overshield TOP INSIDE ARENA Download Hope you enjoy! http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=33110974 Made by x tK CoRrUpT3d
good try your pics dont work. you should check this out first.... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6830
Where do I begin with this one.... 1) Your pix are bork'd(broken) -1 pie 2) Minimal Description -1 pie 3) Gladiator Map - 2 pies Sorry buddy fix this stuff and I'll return, maybe with good feedback. Also, I don't think this meet FH Standards
thanks guys its my first map an i was trying to see what people would think. I didn't know how to get big screenshots and everybody has to be mean to me. Common It' my first map >:0
oh yeah just what iv'e been waiting for!!! Another arena map! Gotta add this to my collection... seriously though, dont link to your fileshare or screenshots save the images to your computer upload them to image shack copy the code from the "direct link to images" row at the bottom upload to forum using
guys, I don't think he needs 6 different people telling him the same thing. One link to the how to post a map thread is sufficient.