Now that we have like billions of dollars to make whatever the hell we want, we can make maps with with a little bit of everthing. So i will make a map called People. First, my crib of course. Located on the "outdoor flat space," above the colisseum, my crib will be spacious, but leave room for a yard on the cliffside. A three car garage, for a few trucks and a green mongoose (symbolizing my Kawasaki 250f). Also a pad for my falcon. Hidden below in the colisseum will be my secret motocross track and training area!!! The track'll take up roughly half the colisseum and will be phased appropriately with sick jumps and whoop sections. You'll find a few more "Kawasaki's" down there. It'l have some other cool things down there too. The front opening closed up by giant wall, except for one little opening big enough for aperson. A few bridges to connect the opening to my yard uptop. To get to and from my crib, a set of bridges will be used when necessary, going around the top of the cliff, and over the gorgeous waterfall, all the way to the beach. NOW TO THE REST OF THE MAP.. Living up to its name People, different buildings and houses and roads and places and activities and other race tracks can be built. For example, a minigolf place, a casino(having the game be something with the dice), a bridge to the island (where there are more houses), a military facility (holding tanks an big weapons and what not), another mx track with a starting gate, roads going into the woods (cool to drive through with vehicles), at least 2 skyscrapers, weapons shop (one for covenant), airport, a restaurant with drive-thru, a car dealership and garage (maybe one for covenant again), and so on. And a bunch of roads and stuff connecting all parts of the map. Edit: Also a club with stripper poles and flashing lights. It could end up being a casual map or just an aesthetic. Maybe even a competitive. it would be kinda cool to do a city but it'd have to be tweaked. weeelllllll yeah my house would prob be the coolest part They should do that for a Forgehub contest. Who can make th coolest, most normal looking house. I bet it'd be legit *People name copyrighted Bet on the fact you'll see it on here.
While we do have seven times the budget we did originally, we dont have unlimited of anything lol. This sounds incredibly ambitious, but i wish you good luck! Lets hope there are enough peices to build what sounds like six or seven maps in one...
Well they dont all have to be super detailed. i did a smaller one of course in sandbox a week ago and it was tight. from what i was imagining, it could very well be done to at least an average amount of detailing.