After reviewing the Halo: Reach Forge World Vidoc very closely, the official maps based off Forge World are................... Edit: these are the ones on the little popout thing when selecting a map to forge. Forge World: The clear and empty Forge World itself. Asylum: (mighta spelled that wrong, its a little fuzzy) The Ascension replica, on "the rock." Grifball Court: Ahh.... The infamous Griffball. Based in the colisseum. Hemmorage: Blood Gultch replica. In the canyon. Classic. Paradiso: I forgot what the rep for this one was.. I think, like, Sidewinder? On the island. The Cage: Probably the coolest one. On the side of the cliff by the waterfall. The Lockout/Guardian remake i believe. AAAAAND...... Pinnacle! I believe i have not seen the official ones posted yet so correct me if i'm wrong. My proof lies in the Reach Forge World Vidoc clip, at about 5:24. comment on anything you'd like im stoked for release.
Most people know all about these maps i do however have not herd of the sidewider one, would you be able to provide a link for a picture
sorry man i cant find the photo but its in the vidoc vid. its the one with the base with the cool pointy thing, and its on the island. the guy explained it as a sidewinder style map cause it wrapped around the big rock in the middle like a C.
ok i must of missed it i only saw the video once, i can't watch it atm im waiting to get my fast internet back. ill be sure to look again closely
Only three were confirmed to be finished, the other three still havnt made the cut. So dont get all super excited for a map that wont come out. Also there was a warlock replica and about four other maps beyond the six that will be in the game featured in the video. Confirmed maps are The Cage, Hemmorage, and Asylum, and as i said the rest are still up for debate. Read the B.Net site updates before posting stuff like this pl0x!
*face palm* You've got some bits wrong in your post. Asylum - Sanctuary remake, built in the small area above the Coliseum (the Quarry I think they called it?) Pinnacle - Ascension remake, built on The Rock Paradiso - Shishka's custom map built on the Island. Presumed to be BTB The Cage - Chris Carney's "Lockout on steroids" (Carney worked on the original Lockout) Hemorrhage - Blood Gulch remake using Coagulations ground geometry