I am not a battlefield fan boy who thinks that every shooter needs destructible scenery, I am just wondering if we will get more destructible items, just wood pallets, or will we even lose those? (I love Hobo Heights, that made me think of this question ^^)
I actually dont think we will get destructable scenery at all. Bungie has been asked that question many times and given a distict 'No' every time they reply. But its always been asking about glass or breakable walls i think, so there still may be a chance of pallets and small stuff making it into the game.
Pallets and fusion coils confirmed by ferrex. You can even set them to "fixed" and the will be immovable. Nothing on a large scale like glass or walls tho.
Too bad we can't have those large barricades that we've seen in ODST's Firefight. (particularly on the ONI outdoor level.) That'd be assbad.