Well for me sketchup is as easy to use as paint so it's definitely quicker. Plus forge is still limited to be able to move only one object at a time. That means if you need to fix something like an entire area you have to adjust every piece instead of just moving the whole group. Plus I change my designs all the time when planning so it's just easier for me to skethup. Plus until sept 14th it's infinitely easier to sketchup than forge
In the picture there seems to be Invis, oversheild and custom again, but who knows maybe they do different things. or it could be Invis is invisibility perk, oversheild is lock down and custom is sprint. (if someone else already said this my bad i didn't read all the pages). Anyone else think perhaps the grid is a death barrier?
Grid is just a grid. Death Volumes solve any problem with death barrirrs. As for the orbs, we're guessing they're the colored lights.
Yes, those orbs are the colored lights, and there is a custom powerup, but I don't believe it's in the picture.
Can someone help me go through and identify the object from the picture? Some of these block names are throwing me off.
Id hope for invis etc cause think of how will MLG work? I mean will MLG use default sprint perk and nothing else? Thats what i want to know haha. Is the use of lights really nessicary though, i mean you can make parts glow red blue green etc and even blink colors so why do we need lights?
You'll be able to customize the custom powerup so it provides invisibility, and the use of lights allows us to allow players to identify where they are by looking at the colors, and to tell you the truth, the strobe lights are extremely awesome.
That may be a vehicle cannon, or it may be one sided walls like on Boneyard during invasion. Just my opinion.
I believe I saw invisibility and oversheilds make a return in the object picture. As well as the Custom Power-up, but again I could've been confused with lights.
Its most likely a one sided shield door. A vehicle cannon just looks like a big man cannon, they showed one in the Comic Con panel.
This is not true, but it is a possibility. Right now, there are three options that could happen. 1. No AAs. 2. AAs placed on the map like a powerup. 3. AA starts. If AA starts happened its probably only going to be sprint, evade, maybe hologram, and maybe jetpack. If AAs are placed on the map then its probably only going to be Jetpack or Holo.
If you look at a higher resolution image, it's actually four of the boneyard one-way shield doors. If you look at the thicker, middle red line you can see the breaks.
Yes that's a shield door possibly one way. I have to say this again because the OP still has more than 1 custom power up type: Custom Powerups are still available. I think you can even place more of them now Q.How many variations of custom powerups are there. Before, we only had the one yellow kind. Is it possible that there's a second or third custom power-up with it's own separate traits? A.Just the one Custom Powerup I'm afraid. Meaning there's only one type of custom power up but you can place more than 4 of them.
I updated the thread to include the regular powerups like Active Camo and Overshield, and have also removed the multiple custom powerups. Happy?