You have bad commentary... but seriously I think I also have access to that beta but Im in another country thats not mine at the moment, so no xbox access. The game looks alright, Im probably not going to get it as is looks like pretty much all the rest of the shooters like the CoD series and Battlefield.
Voice on an angel, literacy of monkey. Im liking the video though! Its a good start i guess... JK its pretty good.
I hate this game, definitely not buying. Quite a few reasons: 1: horrible cover system- supports easy camping of buildings and makes it a challenge to move around the map... 2: huge imbalance in weapons- It is worse than Call of Duty. You rank up to make your gun's work better. That makes it so much easier for those that are new to the game... Also starting weapons for some teams are far greater than the starting weapons for other teams... 3: you look like a tool in general- notice how you flail your arms when you die. It actually made me laugh how unrealistic that looks. Your basic model for characters also looks incredibly toolish... 4: bullets barely register- plain and simple, many bullets do not register when they are a direct hit to an enemy... 5: it is like a horrible mix of BC2 and CoD gameplay mechanics- imagine playing hardcore CoD while having all of the core additions of BC2 such as waypoints/tracking. In the is fail... There are so many reasons why I dont like this game and it actually made me want to play CoD, another game that I dump on about how it's gameplay is boring...
The Frostbite engine was designed with destructibility in mind. A game using an engine designed for a gimmick without featuring that gimmick is a stupid idea. Not to mention DICE hasn't made a good, balanced multiplayer game in years.
Haha, I don't understand that. Or, for the matter, why it was left up to DICE to copy and paste a multi player from BC2 that is just shittier. The game does mix from CoD and BC but not in a good way. I gave a chance, and every-time I got pissed with the game (pissed to the point I scream profanities at my t.v.) I'd give it one more chance. It's just too broken, by that I refer to the **** engine the game plays on. Many bullets don't register, as mentioned, on top of that camping is crazy. I've been spawn killed countless times. The verdict, I don't recommend this one.
There is small amounts of destructibility throughout. Nothing major like BF:BC2, but something is there.