At this point in time how many total kills do you Have, And whats ur kills mostly with?? Total Kills-67,493 Weapon of Destruction- Battle Rifle-17,558 Kills
Total Kills: Ranked: 9369 Social: 3421 Tool of Destruction: Ranked: BR 4,014 (42.84%) Social: BR 1,387 (40.54%) Funny to see that everyones ToD is the BR so far
Ranked K/D Ratio: 1.70 Kills: 22536 Deaths: 13253 Games: 1360 Social K/D Ratio: 2.45 Kills: 43199 Deaths: 17655 Games: 2439 BR Kills 8,692 (6.391) 13,735 (5.631)
Total Kills: R=82556, S=45078 (T=127,634) Most Kills, With Battle Rifle: R=26399, S=10718 (T=37,117) For more info.
Wow am i going to be the only person that does not have the br for their tool of destruction SNIPER TOOL OF DESTRUCTION with Soical(1990) Rank(4421) Total kills with sniper = 6411 kills with the sniper Total kills with all weapons = 29700 so i don't have that many kills really. i use the sniper alot for some reason, BR is like 4th or 5th down the list for me
Psshh i dont play this game for srs half the time lol. Half of my 22,000 kills are in my last 200 games! Also, BR for Ranked and Brute Shot for social lol.
Total kills:22095 R(5965) S(16130) Ranked ToD:Beat Down-1316 Social ToD: Gravity hammer-2673 ;D BR is second most used for both playlists
Total kills: (ranked and social) 17579 ToD: Melee AR Melee FTW BR Nade FTL I needs moar lazor kills. Lazor r teh pwnage and i r teh win with it. Only problem? Not enough maps wiht Lazer.
Ranked Killls:26265 Social Killls: 26480 Total Kills: 52745 Tool of Distruction(Ranked Only) 1: BR- 7024 2: Melee- 4779 3: AR- 3272 4: Sniper- 2580
ranked-12356 kills tod-melee (2274) social- 39260 kills tod-gravity hammer (10,970) i play a lot of grifball hehe --- learn to spell, or go away please.