At first I thought it was supposed to look like the animal than I saw the comparison and realized that it was made pretty accurately to the original.
I want to big in to the game but you nailed the game concept wall. Also enjoyed that sneak peak and I like how it changed over time... glad you got it done... Good job Biggles
I want to punch 2/3 of the people here in the face. "It would be cool if it was playable" asyou were talking about in forge, they don't understand how much actual skill and talent this takes. This is very well made, and quite teh beautifulz. 5 stars. and anyone else who says stuff like is that it? its called aesthetic for a reason, dumbass elites.
Thank you, thats pretty much how I feel when I just post an map and nobody seems to listen when I say its and Aesthetic map and not a playable map, thanks everyone for the comments
Nice map. You truly are skilled. I wont DL though because I want to save room for playable things. I'm sure you understand.
It's an uncannily realistic depiction of the raptor, but I expected as much from our resident mason. I really wish that we could extract creations like this as a single forge object and insert them into other maps. Then biggles could make a museum with all of his incredible aesthetic works.
Dont worry I understand. Lol I don't think they would all fit on one map, unless it was avalanche or sandtrap.
Way to flood the hole aesthetic map section and push everybodys map down the list, don't do it again. Back to the map, if you had read any of my posts you would realize that this is an Aesthetic map *hint* *hint* not playable.
so cool, but its so small, you should have made 2! fighting eachother, put a lazer in each one for 2 people to fire, then take the pics
what the heck is wrong with commenting on aeshetic maps, i like them, i dont think i should get suspended for them, oh, nd im sorry for saying your map would be fun to play at if it were ste up for gametypes, it was just a complement
It's no big secret that you're spamming, among the higher-ups. I'm watching, and already, your post percentage per day count has soared to 52 posts per day.
Regarding the comment on my map, I appretiate it, really, I was just a little annoyed about the fact that you bumped everybodys map down a page or two, including some of my maps. So anyway I appreciate the comment and I'm sorry if I came across as being hostile. Anyway we have resolved this issue via PMs, he feels pretty bad about so hopefully it wont happen again.
Niiiice, maybe you should try the manta or one of the Necris vehicles (I have trouble remembering the names of them,) the manta is and always will be my favorite.