Map Idea: King of the Hill Destruction

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    The Main point of this map is to play on My gametype KOH Destruction. As you can see it has 4 levels. The gametype maximizes hectic combat and the map makes it even more compllicated as there are ony 2 ways to get down from a level, Jump or walk. You DO take fall damage, you will die if jump from too far up. The weapons the map will probably include shotguns, AR's, Magnums, Snipers, and other weapons of the type. There most likely will be NO or FEW DMR's. Ranged weapons would take away from the point of trying to get to the hill as fast as possible. There will be 1 Sniper. The team that gets it first will have the advantage if they manage to get to the higher levels.
    Any suggestions? Please post your ideas.

    How the gametype works:
    How to gain points:
    1 kill=5 points
    Contested Hill Control=5 points per second
    Uncontested Hill Control= 15 Points per second.

    How to lose points:
    Suicide=1 point
    Betrayal=3 points
    Every second you are out of the hill you lose 1 or 3 points. (Still trying to decide)

    Hill Traits:
    You have 10% Sheild Decay
    You turn Purple
    You have less health
    What you want to do:
    Run to the hill Immidiately unless you have other teamates running there.
    Try to avoid detours
    This will be hectic try avoiding ranged weapons
    You want to use Cloak or Decoy
    You might also want to use jetpacks because of the multiple levels
    You do take fall damage
    Lose less points to get to the hill faster by jumping down but lower health is a loss.

    Debates on the gametype:
    Lose points for every second out of the hill. What should be the amount of Points?
    Should Sheilds Recharge?
    In the next map should their be vehicle hills:
    #1 HLG FlashPoint, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  2. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    The idea is cool but you should make a ramp from level 1-2. Also infinite AA would be good :) so icanzamerlockz inside of the hill
  3. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Oh yah. Lets just pretend theres a gravlift inside of it and theres a hole in the middle so I don't feel retarded... Lol
    And thanks for posting only been like 2 hours...
  4. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    LOL, post on mine then :)

    OT: make a grav lift from level 3 (left side) to level 4. It`ll be more fast paced then
  5. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Idea and I will comment on yours lol. I think in the next map Idea I might add warthogs and vehicle hills to it.

    P.S. Loving the Reach Dark Skin:)
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'm not sure about this. I like the idea of making all the players move to different levels and rooms in a building to get to a hill. But, when you really think about it, this map doesn't necessarily reward a player after making the long walk up and down the ramps, because by that time they are either going to die, or the second they get there, they will die. It promotes just sitting and waiting for the hill to spawn by you.

    What would really be cool, is if you somehow figured out how to do this: A player must enter every single room to win the game. Period. Everyone will be trying to get to the rooms while shooting at each other. The first one to step inside every one wins. Idk just a thought.
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya thats a good Idea. I bet I could do that with vip. But it was your idea so you could help me if you want too.
    As for the KOH gametype, I playtested it in Halo 3 a couple times. It played great and also remember there will be jetpacks to promote faster going up levels. You sacrifice speed for stealth. Sacrifice Stealth for speed. But I will try redrawing the map later with more pathways to make it faster paced. And no one will want to wait at the spawn, You lose points when your not in the hill. Also there are 7 Hills you'd ose alot of points by the time the hill makes it to you. I also need to decide on the time limit. On smaller maps it would be 4 minutes. On this map at least 7 so each hill can be gone through maybe. I played it on guardian with this gametype. It played really well.
  8. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    orta like a VIP spionoff? That would work but I think that with spawns on each level and hills moving slowly it would work... 90 sec hills? Also what he said
  9. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I was thinking 60 Second hills but I guess I could try with 90 too. Or I Could just make it so Theres seperate gametypes for small-medium maps, large maps, and supa large maps.
  10. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    When I was writing my post before I didn't see what you wrot. But 60 sec hill spawns might be fine with the alternate routes
  11. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Its like this:
    On guardian it takes around 10 seconds to get to the first hill. You lose 10 points. You enter the Hill but you are contesting the hill. You gain 5 points per second. You kill your enemy. You now gain 15 Points per second. Your Shield Starts to decay. In ten seconds you have no shields. Your enemy headshots you. They enter the hill. They start gaining points. You now lose points for every second out of the hill but now the enemies shields decay to the point where you headshot them. You take back the hill.
    Game over. You win 1000 to 972. (1000 isn't the actually score limit there is none, It is a 4 minute game, I might add more rounds though.)
    It's like Tug of War kindof. The scoring may seem a bit strange at first but then it starts making sense. The mutiple hills add to the intensity.
  12. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    Thanks for giving the situations that we will see. Helped alot, 1 point lost for not in the hill will work best then
  13. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    1 point will work but I want to try with 3 to see how it'll play out. Maybe make the scores a little lower/less complicated. I also want to get a game running on Halo 3 soon to test the gametype again but on a larger map like epitaph or something.
  14. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    Like on you un-offical map idea thread, buddha crane posted that the map flips around... It would be a cool Idea so we can go upside down and it will add more to the map, might not work to well though
  15. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe that could work. It woud be fun being able to shoot people from anywhere on the map. Could also make good use for a parkour/ninja/freerunning map.
  16. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    but you will need a area from level 2 to level 1 when upside down
  17. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya i guess I wil but I don't wan't to make it over complicated and keep to the main idea a little more.
  18. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    Lol sorry if I fudged you up...
  19. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem but it still is a good idea I/we could use.

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