I want to say that this is definetely my very last map, but I don't know what the future holds and I love forging. Seeing what Reach has in store for the community makes me believe this is my last map, so I'm going to treat it as such with the closest to perfection that I can achieve and end my halo 3 forging career with a bang. It's symmetric, forerunner/covenant esque, and floats high at the top of the crypt. P.S. Credit goes to Giventofly for the incredible center.
I honestly have no idea how you manage to pull these things off, it looks amazing, and the fact that you built it high up, so you need to make a floor just proves how your skills are unimaginably good. I cant wait to see it finished, though I am a little confused on the layout at the moment.
Sweet looking map man! That first pic gave me a sense of the Cortana level from campain. Without all the flood bits hanging around.
I got the same impression as Waylander. It looks like a covy ship from Halo CE or somethin. Its good to see a new structural style, even in Halo 3's final days of forge. I'm lookin forward to this map. Please invite me for testing! Even if i'm playing MW2, send me an invite cause I wanna check this out. Looks great, Urban!
Jeeeezuuus i feel as though god has given me the power to see perfection. i would love to help test it when it is done. plz send me an message im available on thursdays and every other weekend. GT AARC caboose
Wow. It's always nice to go out with a bang, which is what everyone wants to do. I myself I'm trying to finish my last big projects for my mappack before we say our goodbyes to H3. But you my good sir, are going to go out with a nuke by the looks of it. Great job!
Uh how the fudge to you come up with this... It looks alot like the mission Cortana, but that was my least favorite mission, lets hop that doesn't happen here...
This looks so gorgeous. I will play test the **** outa this one if you want. Send me an invite when this one is good n ready, don't matter what I'm playing, I wanna test this map.
What a lovely way to end your Halo 3 forging. Beautiful aesthetics make this map really stand out, and I especially love the corridor shown in the first picture. It reminds me quite a lot of Star Wars for some reason, but it's definitely unique. The area with the red columns looks quite dark in comparison to the other screenshots. Does it look alright in-game?
nothing new really to say but.. i'll say it anyway. It looks stunning. Only slight negative bit is the random triangular hole in the wall for a doorway... i think you could do with touching that up a little to make it look a bit more appealing
"Skyyyy" is a map I made in the sky-bubble (big supprise!) a while back and it was never good enough to release. However, there were a few aesthetic structures that I'm using in this map.
Oh wow this looks amazing! I understand if this is your final halo 3 map sinces really halo 3 has started dying down or atleast for me. Im sure halo reach is going to be amazing though hopefully you will be making maps on that XD
You are correct sir It's like skyyy except re-done into a more efficient map hundreds of ft under the ground. (Might need a new name... I don't think "skyyy" or "=)" will work very well) You're a ssmart fella I don't think you'll ever be able to tear Urban away from Reach, or Forge! Evaaa!