Inorite? UKF does a lot of good stuff. On a side note, I attempted the "What's the point in dying?'" challenge on LIMBO again. Made it to the final puzzle. Again. Lost my last life. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUU- Anyone here play NCAA Football 2011?
I went to a concert with these three bands on Friday night. (Night before last) And my ears are still ringing. YouTube - Black River Drive - Bullet For Your Gun YouTube - I AM GIANT "Neon Sunrise" YouTube - Luger Boa - I Wanna Girlfriend
Its ironic cause I just drank white milk... --- For your stouf related news update; I just finished revamping what I had of my handwriting font so that when I input the glyph for an a and the glyph for an acute accent, the accented a is already complete. So all I have now is the greek alphabet and I will be done!