Hey, all. For my first map post on ForgeHub, I thought I'd put up a map that my friend and I worked on a while ago (back when Halo hadn't been overrun by Modern Warfare 2). It is still in its late beta stages: all the framework is there, and it's playable; the weapon/item variety and the respective spawn times just need work. It is currently set up only for Team Slayer, but it is perfectly compatible with Assault and CTF, and probably FFA as well. Symmetry is the name of the game on this map. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
You didn't really show much of the map from the photo also the map looks very open. Also the placement of the turret wasn't to great because it doesn't really give much support from where you placed it... Also if you don't know how to merge or etc you should check the Forging 101 forum it really will help you but the objects look well placed as in straight
yeah, its still a work in progress, and there's room for improvement of course. I posted it here mostly to get feedback on how to ameliorate it.
You should have posted it in the map preview section... Halo 3 forge discussion thread/forum, they'll give feedback and ideas
I wasn't sure if it made the cut for a playable map or not; i was slightly confused what the cutoff point was for "competitive" and "feedback needy" maps.
The cut-off point for the Competitive Map section is a fully finished, playable competitive map that has been tested for playability. Maps that don't meet that criteria should be posted in the Forge Discussions section as a map preview. I would strongly recommend you test this map first. You can do so at the Testers Guild. (Please read all rules first, so that your map can be successfully entered into testing) Cheers, HarisSales.