Foundry Use the traps on teh zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Blazen Nite, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to tell you straight up that this map is sort of complicated and everyone that wants to play this to its fullest should do a quick forge through or at least pay attention to the following explanation of the game.

    Since I know most of you don't have the time to remember all this stuff, just remember the number one rule of this map. CLOSE THAT SOCCER BALL DOOR!!!!

    This is where you as a human start off. Start running...(You are purple)

    The zombie will be right on your butts...
    (The zombie(s) are yellow)

    Right out of the gate, you can go straight forward towards the shield doors or you can go right towards that long hallway.

    ----Soccer Ball Door Shown in the Following Pics---
    Should you go straight, you have the very important responsibility of closing the door behind you. Close the door by beating down the roadblock, effectively locking the zombie out.

    There's a two-way teleporter in the soccer ball door room

    The teleporter leads out to the area known as the Middle Hub. (More on this place later)

    If you correctly closed the soccer ball door at the beginning, then the zombie should be going down that long hallway. it's time to activate the first death trap. Shoot the fusion coil shown to splatter the zombies with a truck.

    Double kill with truck!

    Once you've gone down the long hallway, just turn left up to reach the stairs shown here. Here you can see the Middle Hub coming up, one entrance being that door with the Red B sign.

    Back at the Middle Hub, there are numerous things you can do to slow the zombies down.

    You can lock the zombie out by activating the dumpster door.

    Pro-Tip from Blazen Nite: if none of the doors have been activated, you can lure a zombie in and trap them in the room as shown in the following pics.

    Just make your way through the first entrance and come out on the other side making sure to close the pallet door behind you.

    The zombie should not be able to break through the pallet door.

    And then just go up and hit the dumpster door and you'll have completely trapped the zombie in this makeshift jail. (I once got 4 zombies stuck in this place..still got the video if anyone wants to see.)

    But the zombie doesn't have to reach the Middle Hub by going through this room. He can always go left instead

    However, you can activate another death trap right here. Shoot the fusion coil when the zombie is going down the hallway to activate the dumpster trap.

    Zombie being splattered by trap.

    To slow the zombies down further, you can push this wire spool down.

    Zombies must beat the wire spool out of the way

    Once they get through you better have run away by then.

    There is a shortcut to the end shown here. It is a dumpster bridge which can retract.

    Going down the bridge

    Press the power up to retract bridge

    if you try to cross the bridge but the bridge is gone, you will fall though and go through a teleporter and end up in zombie jail shown here.

    The only way out is for someone to break this pallet to let you out.

    If you can't or don't want to use the bridge, you can keep going further up ahead towards this wire spool hallway. Here we can see two zombies being splattered by wire spools.

    If you're a human just go down the hallway and turn up into the stairs where you can activate the wire spool trap.

    You can watch your tools of destruction through this window

    After the wire spool trap hallway comes a narrower hallway which leads up to a grav lift

    A view of the end of the hallway

    The grav lift should send you to someplace familiar, the bridge room of course.

    Just make your way down the stairs

    You'll be heading down this hallway

    After going down the hallway, you'll reach this place. This is the final stand area. Behind the crate are a sentinel beam and a needler. Use them wisely.

    One last trap I need to show you. It involves the deployable cover you see here

    Just throw it like so down into the mancannons

    If the zombie is going down the hallway, he'll be pushed back towards the telporters.

    If this happens, again he will wind up in zombie jail

    The whole point of this game is to last the 5 minutes. Here is a little more info about the game for those interested
    -recommended amount of players: 4-8
    -everybody has 200% gravity
    -zombies have 75% speed and have shotguns and are hard to kill except by splattering
    -humans have 100% speed and a Battle Rifle
    -game lasts 5 rounds

    Anyways, sorry for all the pictures, but this game has a lot of stuff that needed to be explained. Hope I have thoroughly explained everything to you guys. Tell me if you have any questions though. This map took quite a while to work out all the details such as routes and trap efficiency.
    -------Thanks for reading--------

    And of course the links

    Gametype Download

    Map Download

    #1 Blazen Nite, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Oooh first question? do the traps work all the time? (By this I mean do they work every time you activate it) What weapons do the zombies have. Why can't the humans have an AR or A shotgun/magnum? (Sorry I am an AR fanatic, ask anyone. I'm also slightly anti BR sniper and MLG)
    Onto the map. This map looks neatly forged for a trap map. First time I've seen traps in zombie map. This is a very original idea. (Looks like there is a sniper, oooh MLG *sarcasm* my favorite) Anywho are the zombies headshot immune? If they are not, Brs will own shotties (oh teh gnoes)
    #2 Zow Jr, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  3. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Headshots off
    -BR's so that the traps only take one shot to activate
    -the traps work quite well, if used correctly, they should kill 100% of the time, but even if not, it weakens the zombies quite a bit.
    -zombies have shotguns and shotguns only
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Okay thanks I kinda forgot about the one shot trap thing. Thats why they have a BR. Okay I will give this a dl get a couple of friends together and try this out this looks really fun. Overview review is 5.5/5
    OH and I know this sounds stupid (believe me this is a serious question) are all of the traps reusable or are some only one time only? (like that soccer ball door thingy)

    Oh and is there a sniper on the map? (Believe me I still like (kinda) snipers. :p
  5. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe there are some snipers on the map. I believe you can find them on your lonesome but i will tell you that one is in the soccer ball door room in plain view.

    the traps are reusable except for the soccer ball door which is permanent for the round duration.
  6. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    What if you have a party and none of them know how to play and you've forgotten what to do. Is this game playable or will the Humans dies right away?
  7. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol. JUst remember the one rule of closing the soccer ball door ASAP and you'll do fine with just your guns.
  8. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Like my buddy Master chief's point was trying to make, these traps are elaborate and complicated , but simple to know and activate. I look at traps I've never seen and I already know wat to do. Only people who have never played halo (MW2, they live under a rock) would not know wat to do, even then it's easy to explain. Ergo the title, Use the traps on the zombies.

    This is how the most unlikely scenario that infected fabrications pointed out would probably happen. Lol

    #8 Zow Jr, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  9. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    Spot on ;D
  10. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i played the map last night and i have some things to say about it
    - the map is very well forged and is an exciting new concept
    - the map plays very well with nine people, any more than nine and it doesnt play as well
    - the traps work almost every time. the one that doesnt work every time is the ball door. sometimes the pallet gets wedged in the hole it is supposed to fall through, resulted in utter human failure.
    - it is a very fun map, especially when there are 5 humans in zombie jail and you send a zombie in to the teleporters with a deployable. :p
    #10 Berb, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  11. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much for the comment Berb. Really nice to have people actually download and play the map.

    on to the problem with the soccer ball door. yes you have to be careful with it. you cant nade the door. you really must just beat down that roadblock. it's the only way to get a clean closing of the door. i'll consider looking into it though. see what i can do, but as you can guess, i'm straight out of money and items on every level and nearly everything on the map has it's own purpose already.
  12. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I love forge traps, but my concern here is, as with many Infection variants, what do the zombies do? Aside from frustration after repeated pwnings, it seems like there is at least one inescapable trap. Three to five minutes is a pretty long time to just stand around doing nothing.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Use the traps on teh zombies – Review
    Game info:
    Players: I will edit the players in here (My custom games page is broken :/)
    Gametype: Use the traps
    Amount of players: 8
    Overall thoughts:
    When the players and I first started the game, what to do was confusing. A map should be simple enough for a player to understand what they should be doing straight away and yes you did cover this in the thread, with very useful pictures, but the fact still stands that a player should understand what they are doing or where they need to go.
    As in the first section, it was confusing for the players to understand what to do and as such there were mad rushes and traps were set off when they weren’t supposed to. This is not an enjoyable experience and unless a player had read through the thread, they wouldn’t enjoy the first few rounds. This does not mean at all that the players and I did not enjoy it though, there was plenty of squealing when the onslaught of zombies arrived at the end point from the humans as they were trying futile attempts to stop the zombies!
    Although the game sounds unfair for the zombies, it is far from it. The zombies can bluff the humans and make them prematurely set of the traps, allowing them to catch up to the humans if they are progressing too slowly. If anything, I would say it is more unfair for the humans, as they have no way of totally surviving, especially if they are last man standing. Another point which I think is unfair is the dubbed “zombie jail”. This jail slows down the game and is quite unfair for the zombie side if they fall into the teleporters, you could place the receiver node at the zombie spawn or make it a death teleporter so that it is fairer for the zombies and equal all round (seeing as though some traps kill the zombies).
    From the 3 sessions on the map I had, I did hear at first that someone had broke the map, I believe this was just confusion by the players, thinking they had escaped but in fact had got to the end of the map, I think it would be too hard too as well with the gametypes traits making it hard to jump. The spawn points of the zombies were pretty set, with them always spawning in the same vicinity but this was not a problem because the humans were not strong enough to camp these spawns. The humans spawns however made it quite easy for the humans to be spawn killed, but this was okay if the human decided that they were going to commit suicide to avoid being infected.
    The overall aesthetical view of the map wasn’t great I must say. I noticed that the switches were forged well and it looked as if the rest of the map was built around it, but very sloppy. The switches as I said were built sturdily, none of them were very glitchy except for the bridge switch which I loved (especially for betraying fleeing team-mates!). The map could have been forged a bit cleaner, but it didn’t affect the gameplay (other than the bridge).
    This style of map has been made before (I have made one myself actually) and hasn’t been pulled off very well before. I think with a bit more work this could be a mini-game which should get a well deserved place in some ones’ local game files. The gametype isn’t old but as I said it wasn’t done particularly well so you get bonus points for making it do so.
    Enjoyment - 7/10 – Above average​
    Balance - 8/10 – Above average​
    Durability - 9/10 – Nearly perfect​
    Aesthetics - 6/10 – Just above average (Needs work)​
    Originality - 8/10 – Above average (Bonus points)​
    OVERALL – 7.6/10 – Above average
    #13 B3NW, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  14. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You are very welcome blazen. I think i may have found a way to solve the problem with the ball door. It seems that you have a crate you can still place on the map. I propose that you delete the roadblock and put the crate in the corner instead. the pallet nestles nicely on the crate, it is lower but still blocks the balls. you would also have to place 2 or three barrels to the right of the crate so the player can jump on and beatdown the pallet. it takes to hits to destroy the pallet, and it works every time!
  15. Rainbow

    Rainbow Forerunner

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    I love this map, It looks well forged with a good use of interlocking and merging, i'm pretty sure you must have used ghost merging in this map. I absolutely love the traps, So many different ways to trap &/or kill the zombies who are trying to EAT you, lol...

    The only thing i would recommend is a V2, Because this map is EPIC.
  16. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa very nice review, B3NW. I'll keep everything in mind should i ever redo the map. however, I like the idea of zombie jail being the final trap at the end. it's pretty hard to get the zombie into the jail first off. Also it's the last trap so if it misses, you're screwed. I like the fact that zombie goes to jail because of it because the zombie has something huge to lose as well as the humans should they fail.

    Hey berb, nice idea but i literally have no items left including barrels. also, it takes 6 hits to break a pallet using my gametype.

    And Rainbow you'd be surprised that most of this map was actually made before ghostmerging. I ghostmerged like two items on the map once it was discovered though.

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