My idea Spoiler Spoiler Background Prosperity 10 Years after the War of the Covenant the Human-Sangheili alliance, which had continued to grow in strength after the defeat of the false prophets, stumbled upon a monumental discovery. Hidden within a giant asteroid belt they found a Forerunner planet designated: SI-6242. Although the original cities and their occupants had long since gone much of their technology remained. The first Human-Sangheili settlement was founded on this planet. This settlement was named Prosperity. Due to the major leap in technology after finding this planet Prosperity grew to become a massive city. 15 years after Prosperity was founded it had formed into a booming metropolis that encompassed almost a tenth of the planet and the council that was tasked with running Prosperity decided to re-name the entire planet from it's original name of SI-6242 to Prosperity. The Chosen Few Although most Sangheili turned away from the covenant there were still factions that believed in the covenant, one of these factions that eventually managed to unite all of the covenant factions together became known as the "The Chosen Few". These Chosen Few began to attack major supply routes and gain in strength. After the formation of Prosperity the Chosen Few increased attacks on Human-Sangheili supply routes before moving on to full scale space battles, they were beaten off time and time again until eventually they vanished. The Red Light Attacks 20 years after the formation of Prosperity had passed and since then many other Human-Sangheili settlements had been appearing all over the galaxy; That is, until, Earth and Sanghelios began loosing contact with the settlements. When ships were sent to investigate they found that any settlements on any Human-Sangheili plant had been glassed, the few survivors found described seeing the sky turn red on the horizon and soon after the attacks became known as the "Red Light Attacks". No one know exactly who was attacking these planets but many believed that "The Chosen Few" who had disappeared 20 years previous may be the culprits. The Siege 6 years had passed since the first red light attacks and The new named planet Prosperity was preparing for celebration to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the planet Prosperity. Dignitaries from both Earth and Sanghelios were traveling to Prosperity to show their support to the alliance. The space defense grid that surrounded prosperity suddenly went offline and from slip space many ex-covenant ships were seen emerging destroying any alliance ship that tried to stop them and soon they had barricaded the planet. Without warning they fired upon the major population areas killing nearly all Human and Sangheili civilians on the planet. The unnamed attackers then proceeded to send down waves of troops to the planet surface and withing days had captured the entire planet killing any that got in their way. These attackers were later found to be the Chosen Few who had amassed a giant armada while in hiding to strike back at the H-S Alliance. The Counter Attack After failed military efforts to re-take the planet The remaining Spartans from the Spartan III program were brought out of retirement and given state of the art armour and weapons to infiltrate major cities and re-take the automated defense controls of these cities. After this they had to capture an Orbital Cannon which could open a hole in the blockade allowing Alliance ships to pass it. The Map So basically now that I've seen forge world I know how I'm going to set out the map and I can start planning it. There will be roughly 3 or 4 separate walled off city areas, each with its own unique layout. They will all be link via Gates that allow you to teleport to other areas of the city (think the imperial city in oblivion). The spartans will start of in sewer system or something similar that will bring them out in the first city area from here they will have to capture key areas of the city area and they will move on from area to area capturing key territories before the final area which will find them in an "Orbital Cannon" where they will have to fight to the control center of the cannon and turn it on. It is my aim to create many ways to get to and capture the key area's to keep the map fresh for as long as possible. That's my Reach invasion idea what about yours?
Well I was just seeing in how big this map is. Couldn't it even be possible to create your own Campaign type map in where the enemy is played by other people. Like pretty much create an enormous invasion type map. different custom traits or classes. Its completely possible to do this I know and that's what I'm thinking of doing when I start forging. Its hard to explain at first but if you could get enough people "Custom game Campaign" could become really popular throughout the community.
i was thinking of making a map that spans the entire forge world. it'll have multiple platforms and bases. but one thing will be different. the spartans will be the invaders and have to use falcons loaded with spartans to manuover patent pending
An air defense map would be cool too. Someone on this site mentioned an aircraft carrier. I'd have the spartans attacking the elites on the ground, this would be awesome
Well Why wouldnt you be able to forge invasion maps. All it iss is just like a regular map. nothings really changed although I would be dissapointed if you can make your own map and invasion gametype.
I would if possible set it up backwords. The spartans are the attackers and elites the defenders. You kinda described yours wrong unless you want it to be backwards. They would invade an abandoned city to search for enemies when they are ambushed by Elites attacking from every corner of the city. There will be Skyscrapers cars and such too.
Invasion is a gametype, which means it plays on any map that has the objectives set up correctly. So its safe to assume we can select invasion in forge and set up our maps so they support invasion.
Ohh Okay I get it lol I kept thinking that attackers were always spartans which confused me but now I get it So yeah im just hoping I can make spartans as attackers. it should be customizable. I dont see why it wouldnt be.