As the thread title says, do you have any goals which you hope to reach before the release of Halo Reach? I have achieved most of the goals I've wanted to. I've got my Big Team General, had a ranked killionaire, reached 1000 Mongose Splatters and got a file into (an upcoming (If the current favourites are ever taken down)) Bungie Favourites. But there are still a couple of things I would like to do before Reach is released, these are: Reach no.1 in the UK for mongoose splatters, which is not going to happen, I need another 3000 I think, but I'm happy with number 6 or 7 (can't remember). Get a 50, although I'm fairly happy with my 45, I mean, Brigadiers are birds, and everyone knows that the bird is the word. So how about your goals?
Get a 4 fr 1. I have several doubles and two triples, but i want a four BTB here i come! Also, get an overkill with nothing but ninja's. I need it for a montage! I already got a 720 ninja though which is hella cool. Get the ultimate betrayal/suicide. Get an invincible in doubles. AKA teamate with five suicides, and i get a thirty kill perfection. I got to 24 once then got killed, which was bullshit.
Done. It was an epic win, on narrows. We all got super-nade jumps into the things on the back of the bases and werent found the entire game ;D
I just want to finish all my damn maps. I'm not really a competitive kind of guy, so Matchmaking 50's and Achievements just don't really appeal to me as much. Only 1-ish month left...Better hurry : P On a side-note, I'd like to get all my Vidmasters, even though I can't get Recon (B-net problem) And this, more or less.
Usually I don't care about achievements, but I want to get the last two Vid Master ones, Endure and that one involving rocket launchers.
Well, I was going to try to get my MW2 K/D ratio down to 0.01, but I figured out that I would have to get about 4 million more deaths without a single kill to do so. So now I'm just trying to get my total XP in Halo 3 to 1337 before Reach comes out (I'm about six away )
Well I already haz a 50 and all of the h3 achievements (twice) so I just want to finish all of my maps. Maybe I'll just donate some of them -_- .
I Still have like 4 or so achievements in Halo 3 that I need to get online, and then all the 200,00 points ones for ODST except Windward.
Before reach comes out i want to finish Starcraft 2 and have some good skirmish matches, Get to level 50 in BF Bad Company 2 theres a few others just can't think atm
Legendary on Halo 3 is super easy, its not even difficult until you start turning on the epic skulls such as iron, mythic, and catch. BTW if you get a chance go for a speed run of Floodgate SLASO, with no shots fired! I managed to get like 4:27 for my best time! Acheivment Unlocked: Epic Campaign Mode Complete!
Post my First map up......its gonna b tight... Finally get past the 77,777 kill mark. i need one more medal but i cant get it,,,the zombie filling frenzy one....MMM,Brains Just rele playng it out before i get reach
Im gonna wanna get a 30 XD been fighting with the rank system for quite some time now. Buy Halo Wars, get all teh achievements. Then ill be milestone 50 in waypoint. Then i shall await any changes that reach brings.
Get 2 For 1. Then I'll have all the Halo 3 achievements. Get Rank 40. Right now my highest skill is 39 in LW but I've sworn to never play that again (except for going for 2 for 1)