Okay, really. Once again Hang 'em High is not included. That is the best multiplayer map ever built, what are you guys on! Forgetting such an amazing map...
District Just one - District, which is my favorite map from the entire Halo franchise, though I haven't been able to play it in years... I'll definitely remake it for Reach. Additional Screens And there are many great Custom Edition maps to remake, such as the aforementioned Yoyorast Island (V2) (which is widely considered to be the best CE map): No Remorse: Hydrolysis: Icy Swamps: Immure: Portent: Chronopolis: Ambush: Valis: Launch Bay X: And more... Coldsnap, however, cannot be remade; even if the Gundams, Longswords, Superghosts, fighter jets, Pelicans, and the Mythos (not to mention the special weapons) were left out, the map is simply too big (several km, perhaps bigger than Forge World).
This will be fun, I predict a shitload of sloppy, wrong scaled remakes, half of them won't be tested before they were submitted to be the first and 90% of them won't have the feeling you get when you play the original. A remake is one ofthe hardest things to do when forging and you have to know what you are doing when you try to convert a Map into a different Game. And Reach is different, think of Lockout with armor abilities ... .Metas Shipment is a great example, look at all the time he spend trying to scale the map right, please people, take your time to make your remake and think about whether the Map you are trying to remake is possible to remake or not.
Ummm let me see. Standoff Valhalla (LOL) Boarding Action Backwash Hang em High Coagulation (Yes I know Blood Gulch and Coagualtion are the same I just prefer the bigger bases) Terminal Headlong Relic
Oh man, you got me some ideas for Forge. However I would like to see a lot what community makes and from what Chad says, he'll be more "on" to put maps in certain Matchmaking Playlists, at least that's the most remarkable thing from gamespot's chat with Sketch and Shishka.
Wha- CHA Red - Not enough unhindered space, budget, or too many hills. Orange - With some liberties, maybe. Green - Steve Austin. Halo 1 Battle Creek Blood Gulch Boarding Action Chill Out Chiron TL-34 Damnation Derelict Hang 'Em High Longest Prisoner Rat Race Sidewinder Wizard Halo 1 PC Maps Danger Canyon Death Island Gephyrophobia Ice Fields Infinity Timberland Halo 2 Ascension Beaver Creek Burial Mounds Coagulation Colossus Foundation Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Waterworks Zanzibar Halo 2 DLC Backwash Containment Desolation Elongation Gemini Relic Sanctuary Terminal Tombstone Turf Warlock Halo 2 Vista Exclusive Maps District Uplift Halo 3 Construct Epitaph/Epilogue Guardian High Ground Isolation Last Resort Narrows Sandtrap/Sand Tarp Snowbound/Boundless The Pit/Pit Stop Valhalla Halo 3 DLC Assembly Avalanche Blackout Citadel Cold Storage Foundry Ghost Town Heretic Longshore Orbital Rat's Nest Sandbox Standoff
Well the disc is to luanch with some pre made forge world maps. id assume they include, Lockout (not blackout judging by the pictures its lockout) Foundation Bloodgultch (given) Hang em high (mb bungie even said that was there fav map of all time) Ascension (again saw a pic of it) Warlock/Wizard (pic in video) Sanctuary (pic in video) um id assume about 8 - 10 of the all time most fav bungie maps across the series (maybe excluding pc cause we all know in h1 and h2 vista you could do this same thing but from scratch making maps 100% original, come to think of it don't you think if reach hits pc that you can make maps 100% from scratch?)
Sand box and snowbound seem like they would be easily possible. I think maybe a few more but to tired to go think about details.
I think some Team fortress 2 maps would be cool to remake. Like 2fort(that one wouldn't be too hard), I have the 360 TF2 so forgive me if I left some of the awesome ones on the PC.
ooh I thought of a good, yet pointless one! Make Coagulation. Its completely different I think I would raise the bases and add a basement to them and call it my own HUGE creation (even if it would take 10mins haha)
Yeah or Blood Gulch (on Steroids!!!) like a super big based map with highways towers etc, like a small city on either side haha.
Lmao sounds pretty sick actually. Even if you were to add big ass structure to the bases like Valhalla (differently shaped) maybe throw in sniper towers? It would be pretty sick xD
Ohh Headlong. Oh how I will put more effort into remaking thee than any other map I've forged before.
I'm hoping they keep the teleporter limit in groups like they did with the walls & blocks now. So instead of "8 Senders, 8 Receivers, 8 Two-ways", hopefully we get (at least) "[24] Teleporters"
Why would you want to remake Foundry? It'd be pointless, and default Foundry gameplay was mediocre at best. As for maps I'd like to see, Terminal, Headlong, Death Island, Chiron TL34, Hang'em High, and possibly some others.