TrueSkill is still implemented in Reach. The only difference between Halo 3 and Reach TrueSkill is that Reach's Arena TrueSkill is "unconstrained" so it can figure out an appropriate level for you quickly. Standard (non-Arena) playlists still work like Halo 3 social, they're matched by TrueSkill but you never see your level.
Turn off your colors. Like, now. You have to actually be forging to gain credits, as they can tell the difference between idle, rubber-band-on-thumbstick, and actually forging. There IS a limit too, so don't get your hopes up for lots of credits after that 6 hour Forge grind. Forge in spurts, maximizing credit gain.
Thanks for the replies everyone! Ah, I didn't see this before. Would you mind sourcing it so I can add it to the OP? But anyways, once Reach comes out, I'm sure we'll figure out that limit and as you said, spurt Forge. About half way down the page I think Halo 3 had a similar system for matchmaking. I know it wouldn't put you in another game if you were AFK/idle and I think it may have also recognized the rubber band trick or perhaps looping behavior, one of those clever things someone coded which most people won't notice. If I spend as much time in Reach Forge has I did in H3 Forge then I'm going to have a ton a credits.
Yes, I noticed that we can earn credits now. I think that is the new way to get your General... I would like to see the same thing about Custom Games. I would love that, I hat matchmaking, and I imagine it will be filled with modders, Jtaggers, etc. Or maybe the banhammer could work better. However if you earn credits in Custom Games, I would be the legit guy who plays competitive games then.
credits is probably not just based on time, but also how many/ which objects you place, the variety of objects, etc. that way, you would get more credits from making a map than messing around in forge.
If you can only get so many credits for forging, cant you just save, end it, and restart back up again every 30 minutes or so?
Most likely. That way when you Forge, keep track of time to maximize your credit gains while you are making a map. Ferrex confirmed the credits in Forge was only for time spent.
You recieve credits not by mathmatics, but actions. In Bungie's newest post they say you recieve credits in forge, but they tell when you're Active, Idle, or "have a rubber band on the controller." It's possible it's mathematics that do the credits, and 2,448 Cr/hour would be great, but your game staus contributes. Edit: Found where Tyson mentions it. Time actively spent in the Forge does provide some credits. (And pre-emptive chill-out: we do distinguish between "active", "idle", and "rubber band on your controller".
I do believe Ferrix also said that you earned credits for submitting maps to the database, and that there is a maximum amount of credits you can earn in one forge session.