Reach Forge - too easy?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 23, 2010.


Does Reach forge look too easy?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    158 vote(s)
  3. IDK I'll have to play it to see

    26 vote(s)
  1. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    But that's just it! It's easy enough for everyone to make maps. The only thing separating us, the Kings of Forge from noobies is creativity. I'm sure we could pull it off.
  2. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    making it isnt supposed to be fun, playing the map is. so its better that its easy. well i do have fun making maps but i get pissed alot when something falls or i mess up merging or making crap perfectly straight
  3. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    In the end, though, wouldn't you guys prefer a lot more creative maps than there are now? Why would you be complaining that people are going to be able to make better maps a lot easier now? Would rather have a bunch of **** maps instead? Be my guest; have fun with your Robot Space Dragons.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Wasn't it anybody elses dream that Forge would turn into something more like SketchUp? In my opinion, this is beyond SketchUp...
  5. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    I frequently found myself trying to 'draw' a map within forge like this.
    The objects' clunkiness always distracted me from their purpose and always made me slow down to a forger's block, but in Reach....
    I guess what I'm hoping for is less penalty for simply dicking around with a great idea / "Drawing" your map in forge before you forge it.
    You know, I think you actually get rewarded for dicking around this time around.

    Also, This is a fantastic discussion! Whatever I could've possibly said has already been said, but my stance on the matter is No. The defining traits of a map are no longer drawn from hours of tedious techniques known only to the loyal forger. I'll admit, I'm going to miss that particular edge I had over my friends with interlocking and geomerging. But now that my patience won't be tested I can at long last officially kick their asses at realizing amazing playspaces.
    Read the thread up to Conkerkid11's post and you've already read mine. here's to poetic unanimity.
  6. flip778

    flip778 Ancient
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    Although I have noticed that the main debate over which this thread was started has already finished, I wish to present another point.

    Because Halo 3's forge was so time-consuming to use, people tended to only work on maps that they really thought would have good gameplay. Now with the easy-to-use Reach Forge, people will make more maps 'on a whim' and thus the ratio of truly 'excellent maps' to 'okay maps' will decrease. There will still be the same number of excellent maps, but there will be more of the 'nothing special' maps. Just a theory, as I do think the easier forge will be better.
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    If you think about it, it will actually raise the standards. Now most people should be able to make a nice looking map, but only those who strive to still go above and beyond will succeed. Plus, as I said before gameplay is still a huge issue still not even mastered in Halo 3 even. Now with armor abilities, totally more complex spawns, gameplay mechanics for a map- maker will be harder to strengthen, but if you go through the gruesome work to fine-tune it, I imagine your map should turn out successful.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    This. Ghost merging did the same, before it was widely publicisized geomerging was only for the top ten while interlocking was highly suggested but not totally required. Now, if you dont do either one your map is instantly considered super sloppy. This will have the same effect, but on a scale so grande that we cannot possibly imagine at this moment.
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Simplicity will only make the bad forgers good and the great forgers even better.
  10. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Bingo. I had literally no patience for forging when I played Halo 3, so pretty much all my ideas have been put to waste. I'm hoping Reach will change that. A lot of untapped potential in so-so forgers is gonna start coming out as soon as people adjust to Forge 2.0, and I can't ****ing wait.
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    That'll only be true for about a month. Once everyone adjusts their standards, there will be a new definition of "bad."
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Nooooo way!!!

    My major problem with halo 3 is I had sooo many ideas for so many things but took soooo long to make them with ghost/geomerging and lining them up perfect and making sure it looks neat and no bumps.

    So 99% of my idea's never got finished = disappointment for me because I didn't finish, No new fun game types for people to play.

    Halo Reach the annoying gritty work of making things neat is sooo much easier meaning I can focus on idea's and concepts and Make amazing maps with little fuss.

    = Proud me finishing a map that other people can enjoy have fun.
    (assuming i can make good maps.)

    So now its more who has original/good ideas other then who has patients and thumb dexterity to spend the most time making the neatest map.
  13. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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  14. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    Honestly, I think that it can't really be too easy. Keep in mind that I'm horrible at forging in halo 3 (mostly because I don't have the patience to restart the round every time I want to place ANYTHING) but forge 2.0 means that I can make (relatively) nice maps just as well as anyone else. The fact that forge is easier means that the amount of good maps compared to halo 3 will increase, but the amount of maps good by reach's standards will be about the same. Now, making a map is more about creativity than patience.
    #74 Eculc, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  15. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Forerunner

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    Yep, I think with introduction of Phased objects, angle snaps, and the rest of the tools we were given forge is easier. At least that's what I see from the ViDoc.
  16. phsDaniel

    phsDaniel Ancient
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    i think that even though bungie made some tricks to make better maps into halo 3 into tools that we can go even furthur in finding new and better tricks to forging such as improved better forger made contraptions like elevators or doors and traps and alot of other stuff. the only thing ill miss is the elephant and how to make it an autopiloted flying machine a self driven air machine or just a cannon for launching things
  17. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    I know right? Bungie should force us to start new rounds everytime we want to merge something and do glitches to get something underground. They shouldn't fix anything about forge and it should be the same as halo 3 because there were no flaws in halo 3... (this is obviously sarcastic and if you want to spend so much time on a map, spend it making the map better not on all the glitching you would have to do in h3)
    Most people agree that bungie actually was very generous and are greatful for this gift. Others are being whiny deuschebags who are most likely mad because now noobs can do the technical stuff too whereas before only a select group of skilled forgers could.
  18. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This is stupid. If you want a real challenge learn UDK.

    No one will ever be respected for their "Mad 1337 halo 3 forging skillz"

    I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that bullshit anymore, now I can actually complete a map in less time than 2 months.
  19. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah now you can rotate to specific degrees line it up perfectly, no more taking 5 min to ghost merge and object and if you f up restating the round. Ahh this is gona be awesome, im thinking along the lines of making a super Blood Gulch, bases 3 stories tall, with adjacent towers for snipers, kinda bridge features along the canyon walls in areas. Oh and making the cave its own little base with teleporter. =)
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Easy? Anyone who still believes good maps are based solely on techniques is an idiot. Reach will just show who is more creative and who is a better designer and those idiots that though techniques made the maps will finally realize what an actual good map is. Either that, or they'll have the inability to tell maps apart.

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