Reach Forge - too easy?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 23, 2010.


Does Reach forge look too easy?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    158 vote(s)
  3. IDK I'll have to play it to see

    26 vote(s)
  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Quite the shitload of responses I must say, I am starting to see what you mean, and I guess this question made me sound like somewhat of a dumbass.I guess we know the answer. Lock?
  2. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Actually I'm graduating in civil engineer and no one wants to spend too much time building something, because fast building = fast money.
  3. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    hey guys, I haven't been to this place in awhile, and just wanted to say hi but I saw this thread and had to comment. Will this forge seem easy to our current forge, yes? But at first this forge seemed easy too. ANd as always you guys will pull through with another glitch that will be hard to achieve. However, forge in general can be easy too. I used to make stuff for halo custom edition such as this - Halo Custom Edition Halo CE Maps: Over Grown. (something I made in 08) and when I saw forge I couldn't stop laughing because of how easy it was because I had to make everything from scratch and texture everything on my own while you guys just laid down objects. In the end, I love forge and when its easier, it's actually way more enjoyable to the average gamer.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    And for those of you who are calling me an 'elitist', have you seen my maps? They are definitely not perfect.
    Also notice that pre-ghost merged maps were ten times more original than those after
  5. The Gamer Crusader

    The Gamer Crusader Forerunner

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    No, the easier the better. In Halo 3 great maps could only be made by those with a lot of time on their hands who knew all the tricks and glitches. Now Forge can be used to it's full potential by anybody, making the experience great for everyone, like how it was supposed to be, not just for the elite.
  6. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    When will the endless circle of people saying something stupid like this stop?

    Oh wait, I answered my own question.
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    How about everyone stop saying elite. That has nothing to do with anything
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    It's a leftover bad taste from similar threads happening several times before. People were making insane claims about how forge won't take skill anymore or every map will be feature worthy and other retarded crap. You haven't made any claims other than you enjoy the Halo 3 style forge more than you think you'll enjoy being able to phase and snap turn and everything else, so you aren't the problem. Don't take it personally, this argument got really heated several times before so there's a lot of compounded rage like Pegasi said.
  9. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    Lets just understand that technology will advance to make the used to be impossible possible and we will look to what we can do next. The best of the forgers will do things the rest of us couldn't with the new reach forge. We'll just have to wait and see what that will be exactly.

    Think of it this way: We imagine the eventual future with every possible tech we can think of thats currently out of our reach. Yet if that future comes those people will look to the future as well with every possible tech that will be out of their reach.
  10. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Didn't make you sound like a dumbass. I think a few people missed your point. Let's compare Forge to a plain old jigsaw puzzle. There are people who want to finish it, admire it, and maybe frame it. Then there are some who take their time, pick the 3000 piece set instead of the 100 piece, and then look for one even more challenging. You prefer more pieces. I think you like the challenge, you like the little tricks to manipulate the system into working as you want it.

    And there is nothing wrong with that.

    Just don't expect everyone to want to play with that many pieces. To people like me, 3000 pieces is just too hard, too overwhelming. That doesn't mean I don't have good ideas for Forge, I just can't implement them like some Michaelangelo of Halo 3. I can envision a beautiful map with endlessly fun gameplay, but I don't have the ability to make it happen. Why should that dream be extinguished if it can come true?

    In essence, my view is that the more accessible forge is, the greater community investment. More the community is involved, the better it is for everyone. Bungie ends Halo with a bang, ForgeHub gets new blood, and we have a wider pool of maps to play with. More choices means a higher chance of finding real gold.
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Couldn't have said it better myself. Alot of people posting in here don't understand the question I asked.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I just want to see the puzzle in my head, and open my eyes to it sitting there completed in my presence. :D
  13. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Its not that they made it too easy, but they gave us alot to work with which will help alot of us.

    I really like "phasing", that will save me time from the usual ghost merging.
  14. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    CG, if it will make you feel better, do these steps in Reach:

    1. Set down two objects
    2. Set down two man cannons against said objects
    3. press up against the first one, tap "A" and "Up" at the same time
    4. Repeat on the other block.
    5. Sit on the first block until the second block is gone.
    6. Pick up the first block and change the properties to "Phased"

    < < Will that make you feel better?

    EDIT: And i don't think that "Forging" Will be any easier, because now you have all these new features we will have to get used to and all the "Advance" settings.
    #54 Cheeze, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  15. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Lol. I can't really tell if you're serious or if that was a bit of a dig.

    Either way, I think that may be my actual mindset recently. When Foundry first came out, I spent entire days sitting in front of the television with a bottle or two of water and some music playing. It was fun to just screw around and see what I could make. But recently I just can't enjoy the actual act of forging anymore.
  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Don't be a ****. I'm not going to pass up any of the new options that bungie's given us, I'll just simply prefer Halo 3's forge due to the challenge of making a map

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes it has. Because it seems like forge has now lost its skill and its patience. Some greatforgers will not be known for their work. For all the forgers that have featured maps we have great resect for because of their talent to make useless parts into something great.
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Great forgers come not from great aesthetics, but from great gameplay.
  19. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Wait how so we know how easy it'll be? Has there been pictures or a video showing the option and stuff? If so, link please?
  20. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I always prefer to link to a primary source. Someone else can set up with the Youtube stuff. : Forge World Vidoc : 7/22/2010 7:00 PM PDT

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