A mini competition

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eftz3, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Alright since a lot of people have already seen the new types of things you can do in forging in Reach. I personally think that forgehub should have a first day mini competition. Yes that's right the first day. Submissions should be in, not on the 16th, or the 15th, but the 14th. The day Reach comes out. Bungie made it so streamlined that merging an object with another won't take up past 30 seconds. So why not?
    If forgehub.com doesn't want to make a competition out of it I will. But without prizes
    (money = :-( )

    Thought's and Ideas
  2. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    30 seconds?It won't even take 5!But anyways,sounds like a good idea,just be prepared for a flood of submissions.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    If you can build a good map in one day, you didnt build a good map. It takes a long time to test and get the map built correct. I think this is actually not really the best of ideas...
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    ^. indeed. its one thing to put a bunch of geometry together, but it takes much more than a day to make a good map.
  5. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Ancient
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    Bad idea.

    I refuse to participate in this contest of yours. :)
  6. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I think its a good idea. No one said you have to make the best map of all time, but it would be fun to see what people could come up with in such a limited amount of time. Its like those GameJams where the people get 48 hours to make as good of a game as they can. Obviously they wont be the best games ever but its still fun to see what they make.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    For many people who still go to school, I know for me I've got school from 8:30AM to 3:15PM, And because of my age, can't get the game until 5PM. So really, 7 hours compared to the 24 that you're thinking is definitely not fair for others, and even if it was, Maps take time to build.

    Hell, I'm still learning the sandbox items, and it's been what now? Learning all of these items, building the map, testing, and posting would take more than one day.
  8. Wakapalypze

    Wakapalypze Forerunner

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    Its good to see who can get forge 2.0 down the first day. They should have a a gaurdian remake competition
  9. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    To The People claiming they won't compete because of testing: I understand this. However, my most recent map that have made but didn't test or post to FH plays one fine 4 Player FFA. I don't plan on posting this map, because, well I didn't like the way it was going. It was in the Crypt, and it was almost to cramped to merge well, plus one of my friends came online and joined my session while I was working on the middle piece, which he messed up because it was a good idea to grab onto it. (end of mini rant back to topic) But I can also see why you would want to test it, especially for balance. There is going to be new weapons that weren't in the Beta, and you can see some of them in the bungie.net screenshots. For example the fuelrod gun, which I don't think was in the beta is in 2 or more sreenshots.

    To the people who like the idea but don't think they are going to have the time: I understand this completely. I still go to school, I will get home around 3ish EST, but I probably won't get my copy till about 5. I am also not buying this game for forge however it is a plus. I will probably play the MP the first day with friends then see what happens from there.

    Oh yes by the way did anybody else notiice that in the vidoc that it looked like Zero gravity or they inverted gravity or something on thier one map
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I think there were shield doors under the players on that map (the orangey things). Were they on/in vehicles?

    Anyway, I may have a crack at this, but not on the day Reach is released. Bloo Jay stated a problem with this, but also:

    1) Not everyone will be buying Reach straight away
    2) Not everyone will be devoting their entire ****ing day to Halo
    3) Not everyone will be home :)
  11. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    How about making in a build a "pretty looking thing contest"
    That way no intensive testing and redesigning is involved,
  12. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I think it's much more reasonable to have a "First Forge" contest. Maps would be due two weeks after Reach comes out. That gives people time to play campaign, Firefight, do a little MM and create a map and test it. The contest would judge people's ability to create something new with no other influences (at least in Reach Forge).
  13. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    People would MUCH rather explore all the elements of the game rather than rush a map for your little contest.

    I find that playing other things for the first time and exploring it to be much more rewarding than a zero reward contest such as this.
  14. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    If it were up to me, I would make two different contests. One on the first day, (like you said) and another in 5 or 10 days. Also, be sure to give it a unique name so that people can differentiate.

    I think you should do it. Just give the contest a title and it can work. I'd participate!
  15. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I LOVE the idea!

    I want in!

    Declare this contest, and you WILL get a submission from me!

    Could we submit more than one map? I mean I doubt it would be possible to do more than one map in just a single day, but still, I would love to try rofl!

    1. A grueling, crunching timeline like this would make for an intensely fun contest to some people like me, while as some have said on here some would hate this idea of having an impossibly challenging deadline to meet.

    2. Tons of people like me will probably finish a map the first day anyway. I can't wait to begin my first map.

    3. Tons of people will be spending pretty much all day playing halo reach when it comes out, like me.

    4. Sure its always an excellent idea to test maps, but if people download the map and don't like it they can always simply delete it from their fileshares. No harm done. It won't harm your reputation as a forger, only the forger that made a poor map. And that forger can always create a Version 2 of the map with the problems fixed after testing it.
    5. One more thing, I also think we need to choose some guidelines for the maps we can submit. Any forgers interested in the contest could submit maps that are very similar, such as remakes of Guardian for example, or we could vary them a lot more and say the maps must be intended to work for team slayer from 2-12 players.

    Personally, I wouldn't want to do some wierd type of map, like an art type map, a foreign whatever map, a race map, or an infection map. I just don't like making my maps to be focused on one gametype, and I'm not into the whole "hey look its a bird, no its a plane, no its superman! I built a superman statue!" type of thing. I just don't get the point of those art maps really lol. I mean if you want to make a statue make a real statue or draw a picture or something lmao... I don't get use a video game map editor for stuff like that lol. I'm not putting you guys down that do make those maps though, a lot of them take a lot of talent and creativity, its just not my cup of tea lol.

    So yeah, I think a general guidelines would work best. I for example don't want stuff like infection maps, foreign maps, art maps, and others will not want something like remakes or especially a specific remake like Guardian. I do think it would be wise to not allow maps getting big enough to hold more than like 10 players though. A rule to make your map playable down to only 2 players and no more than 10 would encourage smaller maps, which would probably turn out better than larger maps under such a grueling time restraint.

    So I suggest we make the contest be for team slayer or ffa slayer, or just slayer in general, for like 2-10 players, any number of entries per forger allowed, and entries must be submitted by 11:00-11:45, whatever time would work best to encourage people to truly finish their maps on time.
  16. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Why Make a verion 2? a map should take time and effort and if you have done everythring right it becomes a very good map. You should only make a 1 version and if something is not right just update the map, not reforge the whole thing. Maps are going to be messy and just un playable. Testing is a huge part for a map. If this compitition goes on theres going to be a lot of spam maps

    Personaly i hate this idea, People are at school and work. Only a Few people on forgehub would be able to compete in this compitition
  17. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Lots of people do just update their maps and call it a version 2. That was what I meant, not recreating the entire map, although sometimes that can be useful too if you want to improve a map dramatically that you made a long time ago, or just change it a lot. I am on a third true version entirely recreated of a map I made years ago first on Foundry. Its on Sandbox now. I made a second version on Foundry once, and began a third on Sandbox that I never finished. I agree though that its best just to make it right from the start.

    If the maps are messy and not playable, so what? What are you losing? Its some other person that put forward the sloppy work and wanted credit for it. I say give them credit, and remember they don't want to put out quality work. It won't make people think your maps are bad, just their maps.

    Yes testing is a huge part of making the best map possible, but a good map that is perfectly playable can be made without testing. It just won't be as good as if it had been tested. I know you could make a map without testing that would work fine. I know that map would not be perfect either at the same time, but it would probably still be good.

    And so what if people spam bad maps into the contest? They will just lose and make themselves look bad by submitting sloppy work. I know if I don't come up with a good map by the end of that day, I won't make a submission. So I don't think it will be as much of a problem as you're suggesting, but even if it is, it won't hurt you lol, just the forgers that spam maps in.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    The maps would probably be pretty bad. I like to just take my time and forge when I'm feeling creative. I don't like to be forced into something I'm not motivated and rushed to get it done on time. But I guess if other people are down go for it.
  19. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    If people don't want to join in on the contest, fine. No one is forcing you to skip school or work or spend your time entirely on forge on release date. If you don't like the stress or the inconvenience, don't participate. If you happen to have the time, you might want to. It's no biggie.

    I disagree with the forging philosophy of 'get it right the first time'. The healthiest kind of construction requires prototypes and feedback and playtesting. There is a time to stop, understanding that you've done what you can so far, and investigate with other means.

    If it were up to me, I would not put parameters on the maps. If I were to put parameters on the maps, it would be to make them competitive maps of any size, and of the basic gametype options: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Territories. The things that tend to make a useful map, instead of something awkwardly shaped like an infection-crafted map.

    The reason I say a map of any size is because Forge World is built for it. I think it is something that people should be allowed to explore, given the circumstances.

    I'd have 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners. Call it the "Rush Hour Contest" or something of your liking, so that you can name the thread the night before, (or a week before, I guess. You choose whatever. :) ).

    EDIT: Combat Penguin, with all due respect, you're conflicting with yourself. You hate the idea because extremely few people will have the time and space to compete, but you also say there will be spam maps, and spam would mean a lot of submissions. But no worries, it was trivial mistake I'm sure.
    #19 frog on stilts, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  20. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    1. Exactly, if a lot of people don't want to participate in this contest or can't, its no big deal. We could even do a contest where submissions have to be in 1-3 weeks after Reach comes out, or whatever length of time.

    2. I don't think anyone meant to not test maps when we said get it right the first time. I know I meant to test it, so that you can get it right faster or hopefully the first time around. I can't speak for anyone else using those words though lol.

    3. Any size competitive maps intended mostly for basic gametypes like Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Terrorities, and Oddball sounds great to me! As long as I'm not restricted to making a statue, an infection map, or a remake of Isolation, then I'm pretty happy. Your point about allowing people to use Forge World's size is well taken, and a good thought.

    I also like the idea of having 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

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