:C And I would like to take this moment to credit iTs_NeXn for finding the original geomerging, which allowed bungie to realize that we used it to such an extent that it should be a ready-made feature in Reach, rather than just a bug.
For the shape, ferrex confirmed that you can set most objects to be an objective like a territory or a hill. The shape creates the area around the territory that the objective is, and you will be able to see it as you could when creating objectives in Halo 3. Ex: in the ViDoc when the Warthog is the hill, you can change the shape of the hill that goes around the Warthog.
Good lord, I can't wait. Though I've never had the skill or confidence to post any maps to ForgeHub (actually I think I threw one up), this is really getting me excited. I have so many ideas that are conceptually possible, given what we have seen. I think campaign-style Infection games would be truly amazing with larger parties if we can allow players to pick their spawns like in Invasion.
Did anyone else go bat-crap crazy over that sweet Dark Void-esque looking map they Bungie team forged? The one with the huge discs geomerged into a mountain wall? I'm predicting RIDICULOUS amounts of creativity goin' down, boys...
Yeah I'm hoping we see something like this for UNSC style objects in other maps. That would be where I'd spend most of my time.
I am. My favorite theme in the other maps. Foundry's warehouse look did get old after awhile, and Sandbox's was even worse.
Put it this way. I could look at Valhalla for hours and hours and it still looks good. Sandbox on the other hand...
I am imagining some crazy four (or eight) team tournaments throughout forge world. Hopefully there will be like five or ten minute intervals for spawning so a teleporter can spawn and take your team to the next round and give you time to finish the first. Also, does anybody think that you will be overwhelmed at all the options and take a month to settle down and get used to all of it And i also agreed forerunner is prolly my favorite theme, it will take a few years for me to get tired of looking at it
I just thank god that they aren't giving us rocks to forge with like sandbox..oh wait, they did give us rocks... I honestly won't know where to start with all these options we have. It's ridiculous
With Reach, once we learn all of the items and the nuances of Forge, we'll be thinking more along the lines of "I want to build this, what should I use?" rather than "What can I build with these simple pieces to make something bigger?". That may seem like just anybody can build an awesome map now, but the creative Forgers truly stand out from the rest. And there's one way to tell which maps stand out: the number of comments.
Well, after watching every video several times, I've noticed one major negative. Those giant towers, and anything under "structures" cost a whopping $150. Hopefully walls, blocks, and other minor items will be way cheaper.
That is pretty heavy, but the budget is large enough to allow 66 (and two thirds) of them. I would assume the other items retain their previous budget cost, meaning we get a few thousand blocks to play with. I think this means we will see "Structures" used sparingly, as bases between open stretches, rather than some gargantuan superstructure. Though 60 structures is certainly enough to build a castle from.
This is true. Still, all and all, Forge 2.0 will be the shiz-nit. And to think I just wasted 2-3 months of forging one map on sandbox....
But at least when new members come flooding into forgehub, you can flaunt it in your sig and tell them; "Back in my day, all we had to forge with were two rocks and a stick for all of ForgeHub. And we had to share the stick!" In my case, I am kinda glad I gave up on Forging when Reach was announced.