ok first off the name is a work in progress to say the least. anyways, this is my newest map, mind you i only have 2 pics of 1 part of th map and it may seem bare but im adding much more, this is more of a teaser id say, well here ya go! Inside view 1: Inside view2: well let me know what you think, thanks
Slayer? If so you will undoubtably run out of objects waaaay before its big enough to support any more than two people. But i guess thats a neccessary sacrifice with such ORGASMIC aesthetics included. EPIC WIN on the half-wall things that create the most sexy window i have ever seen in a custom map.
lol thank you but in all honesty the tructure doesnt take as many objects as you would think, i myself was suprised but im gonna make this into a 2v2 through a 4v4 map with possible 1 objective gametype, my only problem is that i have a few layouts tht i have made up for the rest of the map and ive started on 1 howevr im not sure if its the best choice, i need a littlehelp, do you think u might be able to help me out or any1 at all for the matter? lol thank you
If you send me a messege with the possible designs i could take a look at them and tweak the best one to be better if possible. I could also give a few outside tips as well just from descriptions, but pictures/video/whatever you have your ideas in other than words would be the easiest to work with, so i could give you the most help that way.
no it will be 2 levels at this point and wether or not i have enough objects after tht will decide if there will be a third. well instead of all that would you care to actually take a look at the map and give me your advice from there?
I wont be able to get to my xbox for a long enough period of time until suday, so that wont be a good option unless you got time.