one of my first proper maps, so go easy on me you can check out some more screens here Pics are with the roof off by the way the map is really small and symmetrical there's little cover, so do your best to fight with no shields. The map is a rectangle and has two floors and has a bridge running across the middle of the top floor. Players spawn at each end and behind them are shield doors, so beware of bouncing grenades! This map works well from 2-6 players but more can play to add to the moshing effect. The map is also playable with CTF and assault weapons include: AR BR SMG Magnum Shotgun Gravity Hammer Energy Sword Mauler Frag, Plasma, Spike and Firebomb grenades download here
Welcome to the forums, but you have to read the rules before posting. You need pictures directly on this page, not links, and people here will get on you for a lack of description and grammar. Sorry if I sound harsh, but that is just how it is here.
I am sensing some major spawn camping issues if that map is at small as it looks. It looks very clean and neat, but I think it's actually too small. Players like to be able to get their bearings when they spawn and think strategically rather than instantly be bombarded by AR fire and nades. I'm sure you have some money left, so expand the map so it's about twice the size of that. You can keep the part you've built as the center, just expand each team's side (where the flags are) and consider making a side tunnel or passage.
what does this have to with map tork? back on topic: map looks like its interlocked well but you might want to fix the weapon placement. other than that good job