Fear of Heights Map: Sandbox, Crypt Players: 5-9 You could try more but it might get crowded Story Time Zombies Ok story times over. Mission (Survivors): -Find weapons to help you stay alive during your perilous journey -Stay together, or die alone -Make it to the safe room before it's too late -Don't camp, zombies hate campers Mission (Zombies): -Use different teleporters to take you to various points in the level -Use the element of suprise to your advantage, bullrushing isn't smart -Use the tank, and stalker powerups to your advantage. Weapons: -BR x1 -Shotgun x2 -SMG's x1 -Assault Rifle x2 -Sniper Rifle x1 -Rocket Lawnchair x1 -Firebomb x1 -Trip Mine x1 -Radar Jammer x1 Human Traits: You can survive three hits from a zombie. Your shields do not regenerate, so be careful. Zombie Traits: 90% damage resistance. Spawn with sword And now, the moment you've all been scrolling down to get to.... the pictures. The zombie spawn Hub. How it Works: Teleporters take you to different locations in the map. Left is closer to the human spawn, the right is closer to the safe room. Human spawn (Hurray for Bungie Day) Small arory. All you'll find here are two AR's and a BR. Little ammo. A zombie drop window, close to the survivor spawn. The sewer area. Rocket Spawn (pretty, no?) Views of map (without walls) Safe room (Closed) Hope you guys enjoy the map, part 2 will be done soon. Fear of Heights Heebie Jeebies
The funniest thing I've heard all day : D ... Just wondering, but could you show off more of the map? You say there is some "Room of Safety". Could we get some pictures of that, and anything else we might stumble on during our trip? P.S. Sorry if I just cut you off mid-post, which I more-than-less-likely did : P Anyways, the map looks damn nice. Not much I can say gameplay-wise though (Kinda hard to find a large party during midnight...), but I'll be sure to edit the gameplay thingamajig into this as soon as I can. Congratulations, Nibs from Ohio. Cheers, HarisSales.
Glad you liked story time and no you didn't cut me off mid-post. I ran out of pictures, so ill try to get more later. About the safe room, you can kind of see it in pictures 5 and 6, but ill get a better one up soon.
nice map man! very nice interlocking. i like that concept you got there. although could you put one more pic up there, of an overview? that would be nice.
An overview would be kind of tough to do considering the length of the map... and I wouldn't be able to get an overview because the beginning of the map starts at the top of the crypt and is completely walled up. I should be able to get the pictures Harris asked for though. As for the equipment, its not hard to find them on your journey. I haven't hidden anything important that youll need to aid you in survuval. Except people have a tendency to not see rocket spawn, which is on the right hand wall once you can see the safe room.
I cannot really tell that much fromt he Pictures so I will have to playa game or two on it to give a better perspective on the map.
Alright, I added some more pictures, so hopefully that answers any questions you guys had about the map.
love story driven infection games so when i hovered and saw that i was drawn to this map. looks impressive and i like the idea. the pictures you added arent showing some im depressed i would love to see the safety room. will dl and play tomorrow. looks fun and intense keep up good work.
I'd appreciate some feedback on how you guys thought the map played out, instead of leaving these comments saying how you THINK the map will play.
That is an awesome map I've been looking at this map and MONKEY LIKEZ WHAT HE SEE'S!!! Make part two right now. Hurry, Hurry, hurry. --- really go map DL'in now 4/5 --- nice gameplay good job 4/5
Glad you liked the first one. I'm not sure if i'll be able to finish part 2 before Reach since i'm working on a competitive map and a mini-game. I'll try though
I played with four friends and it was amazingly fun. The map not only looks great but plays great but i did have some problems when i played it. Problem: Corner Campin Zombies / Fix: None/Be more alert/Honor rule Problem: Campin Humans / Fix: None/Honor rule Problem: Telaporter confusion / Fix: You order them left to right just took a sec to relize it Problem: Some weapons in the corners are harder to notice / Fix: Doesnt really need one; look around better/Make it more obvious Other then thoughs problems which arent major and are in a lot of infection games; i found this game fun as both the zombies and humans
Glad you enjoyed the game. The "problems" you listed are really just things that you need to adapt to. I've never seen humans camp because they'll run out of ammo quickly and the tank will absolutely dominate them. About zombies camping corners, its more of a strategy. And zombies that do that are usually easy to spot because of the light from the sword. About the teleporters, it can be a little confusing at first. Hell, I still forget where teleporters 3 and 4 go and I made the damn map. It's important to get them down though, because thats the key strategy for zombies. I'm trying to get part 2 done while still keeping it like the original. Not sure ill finish it though.
I know but thoughs were the only things that i disliked after playing. And like i said thoughs 'problems' are usually in infection games. I cant wait for the second one; speakin of which, is it starting where the last one ended?
I tried making it appear as though the second takes off where the first one ends. The second one is being made on Foundry so it might be hard to make a comparison on appearance.