Yeah, I had an idea about a year ago to make a map on Sandbox consisting of two tall apartment buildings, vehicular combat on the ground, fighting on every level... It never happened due to the fact that all resources would be used up after about 4 floors are constructed (as I discovered) But I have a new idea for it, which could work, and I will began designing when I get back from holiday. I won't reveal any more details here though
Copyright (C) EpicFishFingers tat 2010. All Rights Reserved. *****. Anyway, thoughts on the new new avatar?
Did it work out? I'm not going to spill my plans; I'll start making them first on SketchUp or Forge first so none of you bastards can steal the (possibly) only good forge map idea I'll ever have
I thought condos were typically one or two floor houses that were only connected horizontally within a complex... Speaking of unfinished maps, I have a map that I quit working on ages ago but it was a neat chiron map if anybody wants to try their hand at it
A condo could be the same building as an apartment, but a condo you pay mortgages to own it, an apartment you just rent it, and you are basically blowing your money away.
i couldnt tell you what it was.. i remember making mine in MS Paint when i first joined. heh. went wayy into my photobucket album while im here i guess i'll post a screen of the first map i ever published
Got a power bracelet, it actually does some cool stuff, just can't figure out if its in my mind or not.