Back in September of '09 I got really bored. I was messing around in forge on Heretic and managed to get outside the map. The nearby ships looked so cool that I just had to take a few pictures of them. Invasion Star Struck The Covenant Download Invasion - : Halo 3 File Details Download Starstruck - : Halo 3 File Details Download The Covenant - : Halo 3 File Details *edit - Images fixed
those are pretty good, I found out how to get out there too. You should probably embed and upload pictures directly onto the thread.
Here is how to embed pix into a thread Btw, I'm fairly sure that that invasion screebshot is similar to one that was on Bungie Favorites a while ago
It's weird though, I saw the image you are talking about but it was made shortly after mine. It haunts me to this day that I might have inspired someone and they took all the credit. Oh, and I fixed the images.
This has been done thousands of times. I've seen about six of these same shots posted on forgehub alone. You did well with these shots, but I'd give you a 0/10 for originality, but overall 5/10
Honestly, before capturing these images, I never saw a single image on Heretic. Believe me, I was looking. @Jupiter I did my angle on purpose. There are too many images (now) looking at the side of the cruisers.