With less than 2 months until the launch date, this could be one of the final big reveals Reach gets before launch. It's also one of the last times Bungie will get to show of Reach at a PR event like Comic-Con. From last week's Bungie Weekly Update: Comic-Con – San Diego, CA - 7/22 through 7/25 In addition to having playable Firefight (and possibly some competitive MP at one point or another) in the Xbox booth, Bungie will also be conducting a Reach panel on Thursday 7/22 from 6pm to 7pm in room 6BCF. We’ll be showing off some new stuff including “going beyond the Canyon.” Sounds pretty sexy.
Well it's actually 7pm 22/July right now here but I hate time zones lol I'm still thinking if I should read about what happens but I most likely will. Hope for forge.
That'll be only ten for me, I'll be up to see that go down. If only I could go to Comic-Con.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUU I'll be the one to relay all of the information to my friends, who don't know/don't bother to go on B.net at all.
Unity Events on USTREAM: . Other Technology@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.ustream.tv/channel/1810229@@AMEPARAM@@1810229 I think it is a legit stream. Seems professional enough! --- Or you could learn? I know there is 3 american time zones which are about 5 hours behind GMT.
Can we not fill this thread with useless ****? Google the timezones if you dont know them. I don't wanna sift through 23421 pages of bullshit to find real info.
Any questions on the time: Look here for answers It probably isn't worth staying up until the early hours of the morning. Comic Con lasts a few days and you wont get to play Reach for another 2 months anyway. Go to bed and stay in school, kids!
Is no one else reading this? "He just deleted a rock" Sounds like Reach is gonna be fun... EDIT: Sounds like there are multiple dedicated canvas maps called The Forge World, though I may be misunderstanding what'was posted. EDIT 2: Ok the next post makes it sound more like The Forge World is a list of forged maps, idk.
Looks like auto merging with geometry to me . Also it seems like Blood Gulch was actually forged, and other remakes are possible and shown. Watching a really crappy stream citpyrc on USTREAM: . Xbox@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.ustream.tv/channel/5053588@@AMEPARAM@@5053588 It's a ViDoc so it should be on youtube and B.net soon hopefully.