Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo Forge Hub <3 Nyte here releasing my project Asymilate. It is built for 4v4 games and the recommended gametypes are TS, Oddball, and King. All MLG of course. Background This is my map that i am submitting to Death YoYo's Vision's Map Pack, and im not to sure its going to get it but i hope it does. I starting randomly forging and my friend cory (x See Gas x) came into my game and said he could help and give me ideas and such. So there we were building this map just hanging out, listening to music, talking sharing lulz. We got suggestions from a few people along the way, and made a skeleton of the map. A few people played on it and we fell off wayyyyy to much so i added some railings and changed geometry a bit. I let Death YoYo make a top middle for the map to prevent spawn killing...lets just say his top mid did not work...at all. He said he spent about 20 minutes on it and trust me, it showed. So i deleted his top mid and Cory and i went back to work making up a new top mid that didnt suck, and we made it pretty darn well. We decided to the map to make it more interesting and bring a little more purpose to hole in top mid. We added the custom and we thought that it would be over powering to the oddball gametype and Cory reminded me that guardian ball supported Camo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i edited the MLG Ball 8 gametype and made the over shield turn into camo and changed the reset time from 30 seconds to 15 seconds (for playing ball issues.) We also changed the location of Custom to the bottom of the map for King only. (So wait, Custom spawns at 2 different places...WTF) Trust me, there are reasons, if you play it, you'll see. So now we have the map we have now. Pix you ask? OK! i guess you guys sweet talked me into it. Overview of the map: Red 1: Red 2: Red 3: Blue 1: Blue 2: Blue 3/ Top Lift: Bottom Blue Lift: Ball Spawn: Sniper Spawn: Blue Bubble: Red Bubble: BR Lift: Top Mid: TS/Ball Custom: King Custom: Hill movement GIF: OK here are the links Guys MAPS King Version: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details TS/Ball Version: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametypes MLG King 8: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Asym Ball 8: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details MLG Cstruct 8: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This looks much better than your previous version we tested a few days ago. Top mid looks much more improved. My problem with the map is the lack of railing throughout the map. The grassy area looks clean and the blue lift is quite nice. Great job dawg
Smokin' Titty Cinnamon Jesus, I knew you had to post this one. The GIF thing you told me about is pretty sweet. What I like best about this map is the central area, above the CP spawn. I don't really know why I like this area so much, but I just do. Also, the ball spawn is in the perfect area for this one. Your grassy area is beautifully manicured, like my neighbor's lawn. Good work on this one, I can't wait to see more of your maps.
Two things. First, Grrrrrr........ -_- If you want me to take my time next time im saving your map from gameplay ruining spawn killing and unassaultable power positions i will Second, you didnt fix the lift did you! Argh...... Ill give you a special gift though, since ive played this map quite a lot already i understand the gameplay. Its definatly captured the essence of Construct, but made it better. Because of the genius who moved the Sniper down to the bottom level (Me! ) It no longer has the massive issues with controlling the top that Construct had, the power positions arent nearly as controlling anymore. I still need to get a game of KoTH tonight though, and i will. Edit: Apparently im the only person who hated the Z-Fighting grass 0.o Edit Again: Whatever happened to the sexy location of the second hill i added, and the other hill you already had, did they not play well?
Review It's been pretty cool to watch and see the changes you've been making to the map throughout the testing process. Gameplay: I'm not very good at MLG, and it showed when we were testing. But i'm not going to take my lack of MLG skills out on the map, because honestly it plays very well (especially with the new top mid). The gameplay moves fast, really fast. It's usually a constant fight to see who can control the top of the level. I definately get a Construct vibe when walking through the map and it plays very similarly. That tight, never ending staircase is not a good place to get caught in. You kind of just want to get up and get out or you're going to get fragged to hell. Problems: I didn't really have any on this map. 1. Railings would have been nice for us clumsy folk. 2. Top control was really hard to get because of very few spawns and many sniper vantage points. but it sounds like you resolved most of that. Aesthetics: I've got to say, everything about this map looks unique. The blue lift is one of a kind (even though it can be a bit crazy at times). I love how the staircase looks even though it makes me feel claustrophobic. The floors are very smooth with few bumps across the entire level. Layout: The layout will take some time to get used to. It's pretty straight forward except if your on the top level, you need to learn where you will fall to safety and where you'll fall to your death ( which segways me back nicely to the railings). Honestly, the railings aren't all that important, its just a matter of knowing where you're going. Overall: Asymilate is a very solid MLG map (even though i'll probably just play regular gametypes on it). Gameplay, even though my team lost just about every game, was still a blast. Hill was probably my least favorite but that doesn't matter because you can't go wrong with some good ol' fashion Team Slayer. 3/4
lol, death you added some good things, top middle not being one. hahaha, but the z fighting isnt exactly a big deal, and its only in the one spot in the corner. and the lift fails like 1 time every 248923742389 lifts. you just have the bad luck of getting that 1 fail lift. and the second hill would have messed up the flow of King, so we moved the hills so it wasnt all central hills.
I must first point out that this map looks incredibly clean. I cannot see any problems in the merging of the map. The map looks like it might play like a mix of Guardian and Construct because of the mutlible layers to the map. I will be sure to get a gameplay test going on for the map.
I am scared to think that the sniper would be a spawn killing nightmare but I would have to vouch for it in game first. The map looks quite clean. Any railing to prevent accidental falling of would be helpful if possible.
The Sniper is surprising not to over powering because oh top mid blocking lines of sight, and the railing is a work in progress, i have a lot on my plate right now with Ironyte v2, and my other map im working on.