Ok. So I'm just gonna start off by saying that this may be odd that I'm requesting a map, but most of the people here are very highly skilled in forging maps. Better than I will probably ever be. So, now that I'm done with sucking up, let's get started on that request, shall we? So just a little background of why I want something like this. I used to be pretty good at Halo, I stopped playing for a long time, now I suck. I need some way to practice whenever no one else will join me for a game. Since there's no more 1v1 on matchmaking, I can't really train on people as much as I'd want to. So this is where the request comes in. I need one of you great forgers out there to make or at least come up with an idea of how a map like this could be created. I understand that I could just put fusion coils in a man cannon and shoot them off one by one and shoot them, but that only helps to a certain extent. For one, they always go in the same, linear path. I could just stand and shoot. Yes, this helps with timing, but most people online aren't all running in a straight line or standing still. Plus I usually have to move around too. Somehow, I need a map that shoots off some objects in a nonlinear way. Recognizing if I hit it shouldn't be too difficult. I just gotta pay enough attention. Now, guidelines? Um, be creative! I don't care what map (except I prefer that it wasn't on any Mythic Map Pack II maps) and I think I can make gametype (Slayer, infinite ammo, start out with BR and sniper. Seems simple enough). Also, the map doesn't have to be rushed. You can take as much time as possible. Now, do I have to give out some sort of award for the best one? Well, I'm not gonna lie, I can't give out much. I'll do whatever I can though. I can put it on my File Share, recommend it to all my friends, post it on the website I am a super mod on (If you want me to tell you what it is, ask me. But I don't want to post the name so you don't think I'm trying to advertise it. And I posted my rank on there to show that I am a trusted member). I don't think there is any sort of point system on Forgehub, but if there's any sort of "reputation" or "points", I'll give you as much as that as possible. Just ask for what kind of award you want and I'll see if it's possible. So, does anyone think they can help me? Thanks!
Oooohhh about three weeks ago there was an amazing map that i think you would like explode all over if you saw. Give me a few minutes and ill have a linky for you, its gonna take a lot of searching... Best Sniper training map that i have seen in my life is right on the other side of this linky EDIT: Its not really mine, but its exactly what you want, so i thought id give the guy a few more DL's.
Dude, that map is pretty awesome. I'll definitely have to give it a shot. Thanks! You were right as well. I did explode all over.
Yessssssh. I am always right, its something you will come to learn about me ;D Anyway, if that still isnt good enough just lemme know and i have a friend who will gladly make you a map just like that if you so insist. It probably wont be nearly as good as that one IMO but thats just my opinion.
Haha. I'm beginning to learn. And this map seems great for sniping. But the only problem I see is the fact that I need a second controller. I have one wired and one wireless, but I have absolutely no batteries and the Plug-N-Play pack got toasted whenever my brother left it plugged into the Xbox for 14 hours while it was running. Everytime I try to charge it in any Xbox, it refuses.