So guys here is my third map. If you like my mpas please comment, and if you dont like them, tell me what I should fix for v2. MY PICS ARE HERE: : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details I understand my pics arent embeded. If the pics above dont work im sorry. I'm still new at this so if I''m embeding them wrong just tell me. THe map consists of 4 BRs, 2 Carbines, 1 mauler, and 1 sniper rifle. Cover is limited. Watch the ground! IT is VERY easy to fall of the edge. Me and my friend were 1v1ing on this map and at one point it was -1 to -2! LOL DOWNLOAD HERE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! : Halo 3 File Details
You need to download them from to your computer, then upload them to a separate image hosting site like photobucket or imageshack. Those sites will let you embed images, Bungie won't.
I looked at the pictures but honestly...What is this? It seems like it its a couple walls placed in a square. If your going to make an mlg map the easiest wasy would probably to do it in the crypt or on foundry. If your looking for critisism then I'd say scratch this a make a whole new mlg map and try to have more room to move around and some areas of closer gameplay without any tunnels or anything like that. And if you want people to like it then you should inculde some asthetic features
Your pictures don't seem to be working, amigo. What you have to do is you take a screenshot in Halo, and upload it to your Fileshare. You can then go to and the screenshots should be on your virtual B-net Fileshare. If they are, you'll have to right click and save them to any Document on your computers hard drive. Remember where you saved it. Okedoke, now just go to an image-sharing website like Photobucket or Imageshack, and upload your screenshots. The website will walk you through the next few steps. Basically, just Copy and Paste the code under "Forum" ~Additional Info/Links~ Here's a link to, followed by a link to your own Fileshare: ~Your Fileshare~ Here are some Threads started by Staff and other Members explaining in greater detail how to post pictures: ~One by Soggydoughnuts with info on the code necessary to embed screenshots~ ~One detailing high-def screenshot posting/embedding~ ~A random thing that has nothing to do with pictures~ Use these websites to upload your pictures (Photobucket sucks, Imageshack is better): ~Imageshack~ ~Photobucket~ Remember, if you have no successful pictures within Twenty-Four hours of making your thread, it will become locked, and will be unviewable. Cheers, HarisSales.
From the link pictures you provided, the map doesn't look that playable. The catwalks seem very thin which will lead to people falling off, the Mpa has absolutly no cover which will start spawn killing and no chance escaoing an battle that happens.
THe point of this map is to be limited to ground to stand on. It might not be MLG worthy, but MLG is in the name because of the weapon setup. I appreciate the critisism, even though I disagree with some of the **** that is posted. I will make a v2 with more ground and more cover if thats what you guys want
Don't let negative comments hurt your feelings, just take the meaning behind it. In this case, the comments are suggesting the map is neither playable nor special. To change this and make it both playable and special, I would suggest that you do NOT do something because "thats what you guys want" but instead because it makes sense for the map. ^ This is not desirable for a competitive map, let alone an MLG one. I would suggest that you add railings ASAP, as railings have become expected on thin pathways in the Skybubble. Another option is to drastically change the design or spawns to prevent the cause of the falling. I regret to say that I will not be DL'ing this. Hopefully your v2 will be impressive and playable. I look forward to the changes you will make.
My apologizes. But this doesn't looks like MLG. I would suggest you to improve neatness using some advanced Forge Technique.