ive learned VERY fast that forgehub has a LOT of people who take offense and blow up on you WAY too easily, sadly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyways: Dream im sure it isnt THAT hard to think up something original to give your race track a twist. I forget who, but someone made a really sick map themed with slugs and was original because there was a slow part then an AMAZING backflip. simple things like that add a lot of interest/value to a track in my opinion some "easy" "not too expensive" ideas: -speed check: have a jump that has a upper/lower area. upper area is a double wall long and leads to a dead end which is either a block single or whatever you want, the sides should be blocked off so that the only way out is to back out, losing time, bottom continues with the course. this would make the players slow down and go over the jump otherwise they get screwed over by getting stuck in the up part. never seen this done. this could only use any left other material, say wooden bridges for the "box" that they jump into if going to fast and then one large wooden bridge for the ramp to the jump -collapsing/timed scenery events: have a wall that collapses after (set time here) to either fall on passer-byers or just create and obstruction to alter the course SLIGHTLY to make for a different feel on the next lap. never seen this done. all you need is just the damaged wall coulmns or something that is a moveable object and a few fusion coils. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ various inovative ideas like these will be a huge success on maps because they would keep the track fresh and feeling new. oh and if you want to get on me for not making race maps then ill tell you this: i do not have an xbox. i do not plan on getting another or playing it again. im simply here to give you some good solid advice on what i have seen from the past and what that im sure all my "lurking" and "research" from forgehub/xforgery has given me enough so that i know what people want and what the comunity would like to see from big map makers such as yourself.
What I am trying to figure out is what you guys want in a racetrack. So smooth and consistent obviously isn't what is wanted anymore. Jumps are very hard and cannot be 100% consistent due to Halo 3's jump physics. Most of the time they require mancannons and grav lifts, which are at limited supply. A natural jump is REALLY hard to achieve consistency on. I recently spent about 5 hours trying to make one. I got it working and was very relieved to say the least. Flips and tricks are out. You have to make a large sacrifice to the flow of the track to pull one off, and they can never be 100%. So if you complained about it (I know who you are) I want to hear at least one good idea for a track feature you would like to see.
There's two, from someone who doesn't even have an Xbox. We have an entire Forging community on this website. It shouldn't be too hard to think of more. -themed aesthetics. -multiple paths. -incorporate aesthetics into the map (i.e. a race through gaps in houses in a makeshift village) -steep drops. -complex layouts. There's five more.
Multiple pathways would turn into one pathway. You always know which way is fastest, it has been done before, and it takes a serious hit on objects. Themed Asthetics and on track aesthetics have been done before. This one has a themed aesthetic. Crater moon does, and so on. The villages for aesthetics turn out like crap. You can't really make one that looks good with the objects provided. Also takes a major hit on object limit. Many maps have steep drops, this one doesn't, so it's bad because he chose to not have a steep drop? Complex layouts? Seriously? What does that even mean? The timed scenery events have been done over and over. Not original. It's called Hardcore Tracks. You obviously haven't downloaded the HC version of this track. I don't like the speed check personally. Disrupts the flow of the track, and could cause massive wrecks. Plus once everyone learns the correct route its not used anymore.
your so positive <3 i have NEVER seen a wall being destroyed implemented into a course. thats what i was saying, not just random blocks spawning and such. once everyone learns the correct route wont there not be a lot of crashes? thought so. people would learn to go slow. its all part of "mixing it up" and getting to know a new twist to a track. it wouldnt really disrupt the flow of that track that much, especially if you knew it was comming so all you would need is a red light a little bit before. "If you're brilliant and open-minded, you can start at the top". -Uri Geller
You can't destroy blocks, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The HC version of this tracks has Fusion Coils falling from the sky. I don't really know what you want.
-collapsing/timed scenery events: have a wall that collapses after (set time here) to either fall on passer-byers or just create and obstruction to alter the course SLIGHTLY to make for a different feel on the next lap. never seen this done. all you need is just use the damaged wall coulmns or something that is a moveable object stacked up on eachother to make a wall and a few fusion coils or gravlifts to push them onto the course.
Hmm. I see what you mean now. It would be hard to get a consistent launch of the object, and the respawn would be set to never? It may just disappear and would only launch once. I do like th idea though if we could get it to work. Maybe on the track I am working on I could mess with it.
Those were just a few examples by me, and like I stated, we have a whole Forging community on this site that knows what they want from racetracks. But if you want to stick with your countless (and rather boring) iterations of mindlessly easy to drive banks and hills, that's fine by me. As DREAM said, I'll just go make my own maps that suit mine and the community's wants and needs better. EDIT: Don't reply back either, because this conversation has left discussion about the map and gone to racetracks in general. If you'd like to continue this conversation, I'd be happy to do so via PM.
I like timed scenery events, sounds cool. Kinda like crypt of doom? It would take some figuring out, but it could create something cool. To make it relevant to the track, this track has falling fusion coils. And with the timing its pretty much luck if you are hit or not, the same goes for any object.The hard part about making track collapse is if the driver will really see it. The chance of the driver seeing a falling pillar is slim, and it's only the first racer that would see something like on crypt of doom. So I'm not really sure if it would be worth the effort for something that sounds cool, but in reality wouldn't be great.
That would be "Es Car GO" by Masta Blastr As for the map, It's very well made and EVERYONE should learn to appreciate that. But both sides have good arguments, and I'm not going to get into it.
Hey guys! great track you have here i was wondering about mabey doing a collaboration.I for one am not the best track maker and realize that you and smm are exceptionally talented in this area, anyway if you want to get together on xbox live and make a map that will be hard to criticize badly HOLLA at me : )
You know this map is really close to being under budget. You'd just have to delete the unnecessary aesthetics and maybe one or two pieces of railing and it would be under budget for things like bungie favs/waypoint video.
What? The map is actually money glitched. You would have to delete half the map to go under budget. And since when does a map have to be unmoney glitched to get on favs?? I thought groups chose favs since like a year ago. Not to mention Cape Canaveral is money glitched and it is going to be featured on the next Halo Waypoint race feature coming soon. I really don't understand your comment. I am not trying to be rude, but can you explain what prompted you to come up with this? Thanks. Edit: If that is a rule to get on favs, then I don't want to be on favs. The map is the way it is for a reason. I would never change it just to get a bunch of DLs. --- Yeah man, I really like some of the maps and aesthetics that you have made. I don't think I am going to make a lot more maps in Halo 3 with Reach only being two months away. I will certainly consider working with when Reach is out. Thanks.
Actually I played with it a bit, and if you removed all the unnecessary stuff off to the side and played with some of the track element pieces it would be pretty easy to get under budget. Obviously you'd have to disable the money glitch but that's easy. Groups chose favs now for sure, but I think it's like an unwritten rule that you have to be legit (non-glitched) to stay on b-favs but I haven't been following it too closely. I'm not sure but I know that it's generally more accepted to not be glitched for things that get a lot of attention from things like waypoint but I might be wrong. For one thing, non-budget glitched maps tend to load faster and have less lag. So that's one plus. I'm not saying that you should change anything, but should you decide to make a vanilla version the option is always there. vvvv edit: thanks
that certainly used to be the case, like back when FH got the faves. But for quite sometime now (over a year), it hasn't been an issue with the faves.
Deep Atlantis Enjoyment: When I first loaded the map in forge my fiancée let out a loud “WHOA.” Needless to say we were both impressed. Not only is Deep Atlantis visually amazing, it’s also incredibly fun to play on. Some very interesting arches provide for great line of sights and separated areas. Overall, Deep Atlantis is one of the most enjoyable race tracks I’ve played in a while. It is challenging yet exciting in the beginning while increasing in difficulty all the way till the end. The smooth forging on the track only enhances this experience creating a comfortable ride throughout. Balance: Being a single lane track, it’s fair to say that everyone has an even chance of completing the course. The final turn tends to be a bit tricky, so it tends to be difficult for people to complete several laps in a row without crashing. This does slow down the racing at times, but it does help to keep it more balanced during the game as players are often losing entire laps, making it difficult to maintain the lead. For battle tracks the weapon layout appeared to be well thought out. There was a situation where we were attempting to catch up to the leading team; we laid a trip mine near the end, only to get a double kill from it a few minutes later by taking out the leaders. I really enjoyed some of the line of sights such as after the first loop where the track does a fly-over near the beginning allowing for great shots to be taken. Durability: Deep Atlantis appears to be structurally sound in practically every way. One of my few criticisms was that it felt as though there was some shield doors placed in areas of challenging turns. While I can definitely understand the need, they just seemed to stick out of the map a bit. The starting blocks were a little underwhelming considering how nice the rest of the map looked. I especially enjoyed the finish line jump, as it not only made it essentially cheat proof, but also provided an exciting finish to the course. The grav lifts definitely did their job keeping you moving forward after the big jump. Aesthetics: As I mentioned before, this track is absolutely gorgeous. While I’m not much for unnecessary aesthetics the track itself just looks impressive, and all the surrounding pieces set an interesting mood. The Fountain off to the side of the track was an interesting choice. I can see the resemblance but at the same time it mostly still looked like a bunch of scaffolds upside down. Though this isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it is good to see unique aesthetic touches in maps. It was also noticed that with some crafty work this map could be set under budget. While not necessary in general but would greatly help players on split screen enjoy it more. The track itself is aesthetically sound enough that it didn't seem necessary to have a budget glitch for the surroundings. Originality: While a looped track isn’t exactly the most original style these days, they tend to be unique in their own regard. Deep Atlantis provides fun gameplay with a familiar yet satisfying feel. As stated before the map is very well suited for battletracks making it one of the best out there. Overall, it provides a unique feel and environment to encourage players to keep it on their hard drives, but nothing revolutionary from what we've seen so far. Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetics: Originality: Total:
well well well i dont know u from a hole in a wall but from the looks of things i think you a are great forger i dont comment on most maps until i find something i like hit me up if your friends list is not full masterforge gammer tag matty81022