Players: up to 16 Canvas: Sandbox Tree Defense : Halo 3 File Details Wookie : Halo 3 File Details Massive tree with a fortified summit. Defenders hold the summit, while the infected attempt to knock the defenders down with hammers. Were a defender to fall off, the custom power up (only accessible by the infected) would help the infected to turn that player without a scratch. Scale Play with "Wookie Zombies" or set infected gravity to 50%, hammers for the alpha zombies and alpha zombie for winner. Set custom power up to 10 sec, invincible, and 300% speed, MUST also be 200% gravity (gameplay is very fun for the zombies if utilizing the custom power up) Tree Defense : Halo 3 File Details
seems like a wonderful idea. A few suggestions for the future: 1) You've done a wonderful job with tree. Looks very realistic and such. The one thing that makes the whole thing look bad and ruins the aesthetic value of the center piece tree is the tin cups. If you know how to ghost merge, perhaps try to stick them into the branches so that the flag is not showing. I don't know if you intended for it to look that way, or if there were any problems but, ya. It looks a bit sloppy, but I can assure you with the problem fixed, people will love it even more 2) There seems to be very scarce cover for the infected. Perhaps add some cover to help the the zombies? ( for instance other smaller trees or some rock features). If there was a sniper, the zombies would have a hard time getting to their goal, even with increased speed. Other than that, love your idea and it looks great! i will surely get a game on this sooner or later and get back to you with more feedback! You have my download! =)
Avat-nevermind So its suppose to be a map where humans have to jump for their lives? COOL IMO, the basic tree structure looks like a fake tree. I like to keep things realistic by having the tree planted in the ground and some of the blocks you ghost merged are planted but not fully. Yeah Im a perfection freak I cant really test out the game for myself because no one wants to play with meh ooh! and the little hut at the top reminds me of StarWars. Umm i forgot the name, Kashyk?
DUDE! All you did was you deleted a few vehicles from Avatree. This s a lie :0 You did not forge the giant tree. Go forge your own.
.. And you base this fact purely off what? looking at the picture for 1.5 seconds? Tree defense was forged before I knew about forgehub, avatar, OR even knew how to ghost merge. V2 was done a bit after yes, but still if you're going to make an offensive comment the least you can do is actually download the map and take a closer look. I can see that you're new to forgehub.
Definitely not the same tree from Avatree, although I thought it was at first glance, look at the last picture on Avatree and the first one on here, its at generally the same angle.
I've looked at both. Not the same map. Anymore comments about the legitimacy of this map will be infracted. Carry on.
I am not a fan of leaving the rest of the map empty. I cant really blame you because the tree reduces your object amount and budget to nothing. Blowing all of your supplies into making the aesthetics gorgeous cripples the gameplay which is why I would consider this more of just an aesthetic map... The humans just try to leave and sit in the back of the desert and kill from there. There is nothing that stops them from camping like this.
Enjoyment: I downlaoded this map anticipating a fun-filled infection map. What I got was a map with unfair gameplay that would ruin it for any unfortunate soul who had to be Infected first. This map willl cause alot of rage quitting by alpha zombies due to the unfair nature of getting to the top of the tree and the extremely campable nature of the map. The map also requires an honor rule of humans staying atop the tree which is all to easily broken. 1/10 Balance: This map heavily favors the Humans as there is very little cover for the Infected. The infected have a small chance of reaching the top of the tree when facing a good set of human defenders. The man-cannons to reach the top of the tree are easily camped by humans which leaves the zombie with no other way to reach the top of the tree. 1/10 Durability: This map is so easy to break and it ruins the gameplay all to much. The biggest problem with this map is that there is nothing stopping the humans from leaving the tree and going to the cliff and camping from there. Another major issue is that humans can climb decently high on some branches and are pretty much safe save maybe one way to get them and they can easily camp and destroy infected. The spawing isnt all to horrific as the infected generally spawn under the tree where they are protected if the humans stay atop the tree. 2/10 Aesthetics: This map has some beautiful aesthetics but there are some issues that affect the overall presence of the map. The tin cup flags are showing which just takes away from the look you were going for. There are a few annoying bumps in the main base that send you airborne and can be a problem for both humans and zombies. The wedges around human area cause issues when trying to transition from a branch back to the tree. There is a hole in the main trunk right by the centeral pillar in the human base that shallows a spiker rifle. The roof could be merged alot smoother with the use off both types of planks and a more flat and rounded approach. 6/10 Originality I have only seen this type of map one other time. I like the overall theme and its a decent job on the forging. 7/10 Final Rating: Enjoyablity: 1/10 Balance: 1/10 Durability: 2/10 Aesthetics: 6/10 Originality: 7/10 Overall Total: 17/50 Final Average: 3.4/10