Sandbox Al Bhed Airship

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by RittSea, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Al Bhed Airship

    Disclaimer: Hello FH community, this is my first map post, so I hope I did everything correctly. Also, map related, I did not use a money/OLN glitched canvas, and this set me back in certain areas, and I was not able to add as much detail as I would have liked. Also this map is VERY breakable if you are playing it with gametypes, but I tried my best to keep the actual design, and it is mainly for looks, not gameplay.

    If anyone read this map title and immediately thought, "Holy crap, isn't this the airship used in the awesome PS2 game, Final Fantasy X?", well you're right!!! In the time that I have been part of forge hub, I have never come across a good remake of anything FFX related, because people don't think that there is anything to recreate. Well, they are wrong. For those of you who don't play FFX, The Al Bhed Airship (Its name is Fahrenheit in the international english version of the game) is the most aesthetically pleasing, awesome, one-of-a-kind, awesome, legit, awesome, crazy cool, awesome airship ever!

    This map has been made to play with all preset gametypes, even though it doesn't necessarily play well with them all. If you do play a gametype with this map, make sure that you change the gravity to 200. I have made this as accurate as I can, but the design on the inside of the airship doesn't match up with the outside in the actual game, so this is as close as I could possibly get. This means I couldn't include the engine room or the small supply cabins in the hallway leading from the bridge to the top deck.

    Anyways, if you haven't skipped right to the screenshots, don't tell me what I didn't include or that it could be more aesthetically pleasing or that it looks a bit bumpy, because I know, and I did the best I could with limited resources. Thanks!!!

    Now onto the Pictures:



    And here is a view from behind:

    A view of the Main Bridge:

    Tunnel to Main Bridge:

    Hallway from Main Bridge to View Room:

    View Room:

    Top Deck:

    -"Save Sphere" teleporter system-
    In FFX, save spheres can teleport you to the airship, and this one can too!​

    "Save" here...

    ...and emerge here!

    Well, thank you for viewing and hopefully reading my post, and I am looking forward to the comments!​
  2. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    Dude, i admit i haven't done much here but look and play and i have to get started but i like this map. I give it a 4/5. Good idea about the save ball I found that incredibly funny looking at the save ball. Oh and may I ask were the hanging clothe things at, couldn't you at least try to make those.
    Well no matter what else happens...........make a V2!!!!. Nice job. Oh is it isn't that good for gameplay me and friends just played it and didnt like it so ya.
    #2 fluffyroks, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  3. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Ya the clothe was one of my favorite parts of the ship, especially watching it in some of the fmv sequences in the actual game, but again, the money issue prevented me from adding details such as the clothe to my airship :(. I am hoping to create a V2 on a money glitched/OLN glitched canvas to make it neater and add more detail.
  4. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    The map looks really cool. And has a very nice looknig interior design, almost looking playable. It could, if you added some weapons an spawn points. This could be like a 1v1 or 2v2 map.
  5. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Ya it could, and I even tested it for that. It is really easy to spawn camp though, because the spawns are in the same general area, but I didn't spread them out more because of gametypes like conquest.
  6. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    I forgot its name, but you should make that dragon thing floating above the ship during that one annoying boss fight.

    Good job, I especially like the save sphere.
  7. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    LOL, don't call me a fanatic, but you mean Evrae?
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    It is aesthetic. There is no gameplay involved what-so-ever.

    Anyway i must say that this is an incredible first post. Most people dont even interlock for theirs, you took the time to do it neatly and accurately, and even went a few steps farther. I congradulate you, and hope we can see more maps of this caliber. Hopefully you will try some competitive?
  9. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Thanks man. Actually, even though this is my first map post, I have been a member of this awsome site for a bit over a year now and I have witnessed many failure first posts that I know I should not do, so I looked at every map posting tut I could find and here you go! But still, I did expect something to go terribly wrong so I am very glad noting did :).

    Oh and btw, yes I will make many comp maps :D
  10. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Yeah, Evrae would have been really cool to add to the side of the ship, you could make a mini-game with that too. The map looks pretty nice, but could have used some Ghost merging, so its not as 'blocky' as it is now.

    Regardless, the map is pretty good looking.
  11. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Oh, you mean like Evrae on the side of the ship and he "photon sprays" zombies out onto the ship to devour the brains of the humans? That sounds kind of cool!!!

    Oh, and I tried ghost merging as often as I could, but the money limit prevented that. I originally had the side "wings" completely ghost merged, as well as the back of the airship, but I was forced to redo them because of the OLN limit. I ended the forging of this airship with OLN reached and only about 30 budget left :(.
  12. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    This is a very good first map post and looks very well done.I have never played Final Fantasy X,but,going off the comparative pictures,it looks like an accurate remake.Good job,RittSea,and keep up the good work.
  13. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Thanks, and I think that you should definately try FFX out. It is awsome :D
  14. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    Sorry,but I don't have a PS2.Every time I look at one of these awesome ship remakes,it reminds of how bad the dropship I'm working on looks.Anyways,awesome map.
  15. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Thanks, I'm sure your dropship is going to be awsome. All I did was work on the basic layout of the interior first, then put heart and soul (not really THAT much :D) into building the ship around it, and I added aesthetics later. Just do that, and I'm sure your dropship will be fine, especially since your vehicle deployment switch was awsome!
  16. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    Thanks,that really helps a lot.Right now I'm working on making the ship entirely enclosed and the bridge.It is way smaller in comparison to your ship,so that I'll have enough budget to make other stuff around it.Anyways,thanks for the encouragement.
  17. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Hey, I am going to make a V2 and make this A LOT better. Does anyone know what I should use for the cloth attached to the bottom of the ship? I want it to look like cloth as much as I can, so I need to use the right object(s).

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