I only have three people that I consider friends, the two guys I play xbox with and still hangout with regularly and my best friend. They're all two years older than me. The rest of the guys from school, the guys my age, I barely talk to and rarely hangout with. I'm transferring schools and doubt I'll see them outside of coincidences. Do you need to be honest about anything?
Honestly, reading this makes me feel better about myself. Bah but seriously, how old are you? I know transferring schools sucks ):
I'm going into sophomore year, high school. My old school was too small, plus it had a **** technology program/teacher.
That's cool man, so your into the tech thing? I earned 3 tech prep college credits my freshman year in web design. I'm going into web 4 next year as a junior. I'll probably be the only one in the class though >_>.
Yeah, my new school has great tech options but I can only take one per year cause I need foreign language or else I can't get into a lot of colleges. But I figure this year I'll take engineering 1 and e2 next year and finish high school with the civil engineering/architecture course.
Yeah i am doing the technolgy too. But i when i was in highschool i got all my language credits by cheating; I skipped two grades and automatically got credits for all core classes and language classes those two years Try it, its the best glitch in the system EVER!
Well I've already skipped the fifth grade, but maybe they will count me as skipping the 9th grade as well, coming in as a sophomore.
Oh well i skipped eigth and tenth, so i got free language credits for highschool those two years that never happened. I dont think you will get the bonus from skipping fifth lol.
I moved to a new city and as well went to a new school the start of my Junior year, and I will blatantly tell you that it truly sucks at first. But it won't suck at all if you're willing to talk to anyone and everyone, no matter who they are, or what they look like. I easily got a lot of friends by just thinking like this, I was openly minded to who I could be friends with. Trust me this is the best advice I'll give to anyone. I'll be a Senior this year and I can't wait to go back.