Hahaha, this hospital is close to where I live. (I was born there <3) Yeah though, I had to explain to my friends (who were settled on the fact the mother had just slept with someone else) why this must have happened. Pretty weird occurance if you ask me. Have any of you heard of the couple that had twins. One baby was mixed and the other was white.
There are three explenations i can think of, two including genetics and one including a cheating wife. There are four pairs of genes that code for skin color (aa bb cc dd) so eight total alleles. Capital ones are dominant obviously. P || Aa Bb Cc Dd ---> Aa Bb Cc Dd Lets pretend that these are the genes of the parents. Since there is a dominant in each pair the parents have dark skin. Since there is also a recessive for each pair it is possible for a child of these two parents to pass on only the recessive traits, creating a child with the following charactoristis; (possible) F1 || aa bb cc dd This would create a pale skinned child. Possibility two is a rare form of albinism that causes the pigment to only fade partially, resulting in an apparently white child. Possibility three is that the wife got knocked up by the neighbors dog. Good enough solution?
They said that the family don't know of any white ancestory in their family. So unless this recessive allele has somehow come out on top after generations upon generations of black skin colour dominated babies - apparently, it's unlikey. I'm open for the second solution though!
Nah if you contact the doctor it will make sense. Its very common for people with no white ancestry to still have one or two recessive genes, and possibly they kept mixing with people who had only one or two until they had the above set of genes. But still, the chance of that occouring is about 1 in 1,250,000,000. 1.25 billion. So im not saying its likely or even what happened, just a rare possibility. Thank you google for giant number
Could the couple just want some attention? He might know that the wife cheated but they decided to get some attention from it