I have been hearing rumors about Halo: Reach forge and its custom games. I can't find any proof of these rumors, and nothing disproving them either. So I'm just gonna ask the forgehub community to see what they think. Rumor 1) You can forge your own firefight map. The only reason I question this is because I could see people just building a corner where wraiths couldn't shoot in, long enough so that they could easily kill a chieftain. This corner could have 4 turrets in or just a bunch of power weapons and ammo. Rumor 2) You can design you own firefight skulls. My friend told me this, and he said you can make it so that the enemies don't carry weapons, or that they have like 10x health, or even have each one worth like 20,000 points each. Question 1) Do you think bungie will put ghost merging into forge on purpose? I'm fairly certain that bungie didn't originally put merging in their game on purpose. But looking at some of the maps that are played on (mostly in Action Sack) you see that bungie merged these maps. Question 2) Do you think bungie has changed how many objects can be placed on a map? Also, do you think that Sandbox/Foundry will be available for forging? That's all for now.
That's all they are is rumors nothing addressed has either been confirmed or denied. Edit: reread post and Custom skulls are confirmed in firefight you can have a RED BLUE and GREEN skull each fully customizable and work in the same way as in ODST but you can choose which skulls are turned on at what time.
I don't recall bungie downright saying that you can't forge firefight maps, but I doubt it will happen because the ai would have to know where they can or can't drop, etc. Yes, you can design your own skulls. In my opinion bungie put interlocking in on purpose and just wanted us to find out how to do it. I think that ghost merging was a bug though. Also, the maps in action sack aren't actually made by bungie. They're made by the community. I couldn't say... Possibly considering that they increased the amount of polygons they can use at once, but really the only way we'd know is when we start up the game. 99.9% chance that we won't see either in Reach. Mainly because they said their multiplayer maps all tie into the campaign somewhere and secondly because bungie has never copy/pasted a map before. They've remade maps (Valhalla, Cold Storage, Blackout, etc.) but have never just done the same thing. And really, you couldn't do much different with sandbox/foundry.
Actually they said the majority of their maps are pulled in one way or another from Campaign. It could be the 1st level but elements have been changed such as weather conditions weapons and different cover or scenery to make it seem as different as possible. However, there are a couple maps that have not been included in the campaign such as swordbase.
I hope so. This would make so many lolz because I would forge an enclosure around all the Covenant drop spawns. I would then title the map "Covenant zoo"!
-No, you can not create your own firefight map -IDk, but they said you can set the game up so only they have certain guns and spawn certain ways, and more. -Yes, they already annouced this as well as making objects float without needing to stack them then delete -Yes, they have changed how many objects can be placed on the map, as well as increaseing the budget to $10,000 -No, I don't think sandbox or Foundry will return. They might come back through DLC, I doubt it though. but there is a location on Forge world that looks just like Foundry. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_072310 Click Link, this is where most of the questions are answered by Bungie.
this was posted before the vidoc bro. we all know these answers now, including the op. also this thread is, due to the forum changes, out of place. lock?