For everyone with a computer you should download Alien Swarm a free game being released by valve on steam. Trailer: YouTube - Alien Swarm Game play: YouTube - Alien Swarm Gameplay 7/19 Mission #1 If anyone wants to play feel free to add me on steam "alienman91" feel free to discuss and talk about what you think of the game. PS: I you unlock one of the achievements you will get a tf2 hat.
What's with all the free VALVE stuff recently? It seems like I just snagged a free Portal copy only days ago. I'll definitely check this one out on y'all's recommendation, though. Even if I wasn't a huge fan of the demo on XBL.
there wasn't an xbl demo this was built by moders who were recently hired by valve so I dont know what demo you are thinking of.
I may be thinking of something completely different involving Aliens and Swarms, then. Nevertheless, still gotta check it out.
I downloaded this to try it out and my computer is so sh!tty it wouldn't run it... I will have to get a new computer.
Oh hey this looks pretty damn fun. I am thinking i might actually play this game, unlike all the others that people reccomend to me.
I got thi game and I really enjoy it. I also like the ammount of customization in the game. There are some glitches in the game, including one very annoying one in which your camera spasms out, and it can happen anytime you're attacked. This game is well worth ten dollars or so. It even gives you the material to create your own maps and mods.
I am in the process of installing this game. Also got Steam just for this because this look really great. Anyone can add me my in game name is Willmatic92
I just to download this game in one week before, And I have been playing this game before 5 days, It was awesome game The mission and graphics was also nice. Weapons area was also nice.
This is a good game, my computer isn't exactly the best but it runs this on low graphics, my friends got hooked on this game earlier this summer, I think my steam name is Captain Oblivious you guys should add me and we could get a game going sometime, I personally cant add people because I haven't bought any games on steam yet and barely missed it when portal was free.