Nice job Meta, I recently played this map and was very impressed with it's quality. The forging is some of the most flawless I have seen. I also like the layout since it's so unique. This is a map that plays and feels very different from others, leaving you something to remember it by. The only possible flaw that I noticed was the fairly large line of sight between the carbines that spawn above the greens. But as I haven't played a proper FFA on this yet, I can't tell how much of an issue this'd be. So good job Meta.
omg my jaw just dropped, this deserves a feature! i have a question though, with so few guns if you spawn with ar's then wont you just be blown away by people who beat you to the good weapons? maybe add some more long range weapons? idk just a suggestion, 11/10!
Um... Wow. Well this is nice. I've been trying to find problems with it, but any I meantion would just be knit-picking. However, the LOS from bluegreen to redgreen is a bit of an issue sometimes with spawns. I hold the forward button down (on spawn) and my friends on the other side actually got me three times down that gap or a variation of it with a spawn. However we were playing swat so that's probably not always a big issue. As I said, that's almost meaningless because there is no perfect maps. But, there is such a thing as a totally badass amazing map. This is one of them. Edit: I don't think this came across correct. I am ABSOLUTELY in love with this map. I just don't usually waste space with complements. This deserves that wasted space. Twice.
Could you make some gametypes for this? I would myself, but you would obviously know more about how the map should be played than i would... seeing as I just recently download this piece of art to my 20gig with my Halo 3 custom content getting close to what the game says is apparently a limit of 100.
This looks like a brilliantly constructed map and obviously you have put a lot of thought into the unique pathways connecting the bases but I have to say, the fact there are almost no across map lines of sight is somewhat offputting.
After having played this map numerous times, I feel obligated to say that it's an incredible piece of work. The map plays excellently, and I've never had a spawn problem on it - even when playing 8-man FFA games. Granted, those were Evenball games, but I digress. I think my favorite part of the map is its aesthetic. Because it's circular, it has an almost Gemini-esque feel about it when wandering around the outskirts. However, I get memories of Gephyrophobia's combat when fighting across the outer bridges (from the outside circle platform to the inside platform that rims the central structure). Additionally, the lower platform is quite enjoyable to play on, as it feels safe yet unsafe because of the ramp-walls and the constant threat of grenades from above. Though I've yet to play a 4v4 game on this map, 3v3 games have been promising, and I can assure you that this baby will be staying on my hard drive for the foreseeable future. Excellent work.
Downloaded it. Ascetically, this is a really good map. I kind of wish there were multiple levels though-- playing a game on it make of one heck of a challenge. On the other hand, your circular colosseum design has given me an idea for a map of my own.