The Krusty Krab! Information: Ok well guys, i think you all know the Krusty Krab if not, the krusty krab is from the tv serie of Spongebob Squarepants. I already looked on the internet searching for a map like this, i found some but to be honest they really suck. So i thought ill try to make one myself, and i think i did it pretty well but well its your job to decide if im right or not ;P The map is made for one bomb and one flag, one flag is based on gaining the recipe of the Krabby patty, but ofcourse mr. Krabs put it away in his office, make sure plankton doesnt get it! Weapon List: - Assault Rifle x2 - Battle Rifle x7 - Sniper Rifle x1 - Rocket Launcher x2 (2 rockets per Rocket Laucnher, respawn rate of 180 secs) - Gravity Hammer x1 - Covenant Carbine x2 - Mauler x3 Equipment List: - Regenerator x1 - Bubbleshield x1 - Powerdrain x1 - Active Camo x1 - Gravity Lift x1 - firebomb Grenade x2 (to light Spongebob's grill ) - Plasma Grenade x6 - Frag Grenade x 4 Let's go to the pictures now This is the Krusty Krab , it has windows and doors, even parked cars You can grab a Grav lift (placed on Squidwards desk) to get to the roof! (where the Sniper Rifle lies) This is the village (the attacker's base), heres do the attackers spawn, this is one of the 2 similar bases Here you see the inside of the Krusty Krab, it has tables and chairs where people can sit down and enjoy there lunch, the two barriers you see is Squidwards boat-kinda-desk . Behind that you see Spongebobs window and behind that theres a grill with 2 Firebomb Grenades to light it. Theres also a freezer there with a Gravity hammer This is Mr. Krab's office, this si the place where he keeps his recipe! so watch out.. Well thats it, i try to copy it the best i can, i hope you guys like it as much as i do ! DOWNLOAD HERE
It does look cool, but I believe that there is a door from the kitchen to the Krusty Office. Oh oh oh, and is there a ledge/storage area above the kitchen? Because that would be awesome
The krusty krab does not have that huge appendedge(spelling?) coming off the roof like yours does. The idea of getting the formula is a genious idea for a gametype however.
Yeah i know theres suposed to be a door form the kitchen to the office, but i didnt have enough room, if u look at the sizes of the kitchen and office youll notice they are way too small too and there isnt a storage room above the kitchen right? Ow and yeah i didnt want them to be able to get behind the krusty krab cuz i was running out of money and didnt have anything to place theres so i just made a big wall
Im confused, you were running out of money so you made a huge wall? I do like the map though but i think the interior and exterior buildings could use some work, good idea though.
Yeah i was low on money and well i could have not made the wall but then i would have made some scenery behind the krusty krab for cover and stuff which made it porbably a lot more xpensive then the wall part
Wheres the Chum Bucket lol This looks pretty cool for a CTF One Bomb map great idea even though i would kill SpongeBob cause he's an idiot. I alwasdys hated the show lol
Well im glad you like it, i made it the best as possible (atleast thats what i think ) i wanted to make a map like the krusty krab, but unlike all other remakes out of movies and stuff i also wanted to make it playable and i think i did that pretty well
I like it. It's got good originality, with well transfered and clean asthetics sans the attacker's village. To be honest, it looks like you added the attackers base just so they could have one, and it looks like you did that last minute. Perhaps you could make it so that the 2 parts a little more connected so you don't have D-Day type gameplay, and expand the attackers base if possible.
Heck. Yes. This looks like so much fun. I will DL this when I get the chance. I can't believe this hasn't been done before. The forging looks nice from what I can see in the pictures; I guess I'll figure out soon enough...