YouTube- Halo 3 Racetrack: Elemental Energy-July, 2010This amazing racetrack consists of four incredible loops. Gravity and the 800ft plummet is the only thing standing between you and victory. You can play this with up to 12 people. This racetrack brings forging to new heights literally. Massive twists show the smoothness and purity of the track. This took about 2 weeks to make the map. The gametype is Ultimate Racing. Download gametype and the map from links below. Screenshots of the map are included as well. Enjoy! -MAP -GAMETYPE
This map looks awsome and very fun to play on. However, there are two huge things that I noticed in the video that caught my attention. One is that the powerups that signal when to start in the beginning, as cool as they are, requires honor rules, and you can easily start whenever you want. I recommend instead setting the beginning hill to not spawn at start, and it spawns at 30sec so that their is no cheating. The other thing is the destination. It is easily cheatable, because there are no teleporters or gravity lifts to prevent people from cheating. The teleporters prevent people that are doing the course on foot from entering the destination, and the grav lifts prevent the mongooses from turning around and going back through the destination after going through the first time. Fix these two things and this will be a very good map.
The hill start wouldn't could leave at the beginning and by the time they get to the end, the hill has already been spawned. The real way to do it is to make the first wall or something not spawn until the Active camo spawns.
Yea, I ran out of money in the very end and couldn't make it a proper way to end. That's why I had to make it go by honor rules. The same goes with the other map called Eclipse.
Forget that, just move the VIP point so it's floating in the air at one of the ramps. Problem solved. BTW it's never good to have a single lane in a competitive racing map
yea, i wanted to make it two lane all the way around. But, I ran out of money and it wouldn't let me get anymore items. But, I like the suggestion about the vip point being right off of a ramp. I might switch that around.