Asteriods is another dodgeball map. Its two asteriods that happen to be floating close enough to each other to allow SUPER SERIOUS COMPETITIVE DODGEBALL MATCHES. Or not. Anyways, the playfields are "tilted" towards eachother for a slightly different gameplay, but not THAT much different. Works fine with almost any other "dodgeball" game-type varient out there, but I made my own too. My varient has grenade auto reload enabled, gravity @ 200%, Sword, and 110% speed. Also, -1 point for dying, +1 point for a kill and +3 points for a "stick". There are 4 firebombs at the front of each platform. There are NO other weapons or grenades on the map because with grenage auto reload enabled, you don't need them. More players the merrier. Download Game Varient Here: : Halo 3 File Details Download Map Varient ASTEROIDS Here: : Halo 3 File Details Pics: Overview Blue Platform Red Overview
Holy crud, I think this has got to be the most awsome dodgeball map I have ever seen! No seriously, I am not even joking. Most dodgeball maps are very simple and not even merged because the map maker thinks that a simple gametype such as dodgeball requires a simple map. These maps have barely any aesthetics, they aren't very neat and they look rushed, and you can tell there is little thought put into the maps. I recently commented on another dodgeball map stating that a map with a simple concept should be the type of map that has the most time and effort put forth, because you want your map to be unique. Seeing this map makes me know that there are some forgers that put forth effort and they deliver what our community wants, and you my friend, are awsome. 5 thumbs up/5 thumbs up! (just asking, but does anyone actually have 5 thumbs???)
This is definitly a very unquie map for the game of dogeball. It is very... asthetic. Well done pal. EDIT: Question, is your verson similar to the defualt versions, and what are the settings in youtrs?
You know, honestly I don't even know what the "default" version of Dodge-ball is. lol. I just made my own gametype and thats what we played this map on. I have played Dodgeball on matchmaking, and my version is somewhat different in the fact that you don't have super overshields and lack plasma pistols. But I think this map would be alright for pretty much any reasonable dodgeball game varients. Thanks for the comments...
Look in the Mini Games section of the community maps and look at the other dodgeball maps and you will see that your map is definately "above average".
very nice job on the rock and the aesthecs overall. One suggestion which i may add is merging over the weapon holders and making the grenades "float" would have added even more to the map's looks. Good job 8/10 from me
This is by far the best forged Dodgeball map.Ever.Of all time.Seriously though,the aesthetics are amazing for such a simple map.Good job and keep up the good work.
That might be ok, but I think that the reflection of light actually adds to the overall theme of the map, and it looks pretty darn cool .
Thanks guys! I was at a buddies house last week-end and we all ended up playing a four-person on one screen (lame lol), but it actually was pretty fun. I hadn't played it since we tested it, so it was nice to play it again.