The way I see it. There are two. A newb... which is new to the game or whatever else the subject of the matter is, Or a noob... who is someone who just sucks completely or who behaves in a way no real player should. Noob - 1. Says he owns even though all his kills were cheap and/or stolen 2. Must use power weapons to beat people with normal weapons 3. Blames his lack of skill on something (ie. lag, mod, or some third thing)... This can be correct sometimes, so try to be descrete 4. They make a big deal out of something (which I geuss the whole party leader thing works if they don't have a legit reason to be party leader) That's where I stand, that's where I stay... most of the time.
- If when you spawn, the first weapon you go for every time is the brute shot. - If you dual wield maulers. - If you run into the open with a gravity hammer. - If you and your opponent are at opposite ends of the hallway on guardian, and you have a gravity hammer, and he has a BR, but you run at him anyway while he slowly backs away and gets the kill. You are also a noob if you are the guy with the BR and you get killed by the guy with the gravity hammer.
Ooh I got more! -When you go negative and still brag that you team "raped" the other team. -When you get no-scoped after you have gotten 3 shots on you opponent. -When you get assassinated when you have OV.
Really, the only time I ever want to actually call someone a noob is whenever he starts complaining about his team losing when he has the lowest score, or if he betrays me for the sniper rifle and ends up just dying with it, giving it to the other team, even when I was a hell of a lot more efficient with it then he ever would be... Or whenever people get into a team vehicle alone and end up dying two seconds later. Lag can be the truth (I know, because sometimes I actually teleport everywhere, but that's because my internet sucks), any dual wield combo can be genuine (because it's your skill, not your weapon), and I don't know about you, but I like feeling happy whenever I get out of a big deathstreak. What, would you want me to ***** about everything instead? I wouldn't actually brag about it, but still.
You think it is a good strategy when you launch yourself across the man cannons on narrows at the same time as the enemy so that they fall to their death and lose points...(Some kid was actually going on about how we could win if we did that and not to shoot them or else they wont lose points)
-if you do missions on easy -if you hack for kills -if you camp by a hill and kill evreyone (on king of the hill)
You're a noob if: -You mod to get achievements because you can't get them normally. -You betray in ranked matches (its not as bad in social) -You brag -You suck -You intentionally steal a kill. I understand accidents, but when people seriously watch you empty your AR clip into an opponent, and then they shoot said opponent with one bullet, it gets ridiculous. jakob hunter are pervs; their location is under your bed.
The brute shot is a ****ing amazing weapon. Its like grenades that blow up instantly that you can aim. Its my favorite weapon that isnt a BR or Sniper.
Did you not notice that I said "Every time?" Going for it over all the other weapons as your first choice is noobish. You obviously didn't understand what I was saying....
Brute Shot > Almost everything. Its more accurate than rockets, it has longer range than shotty and sword and mauler, and it shots a hell of a lot faster than a splazer. Brute Shots are amazing weapons and most people ignore them. They are almost the opposite of nooby, they are like the plasma pistol. Useless unless in the right hands. I did totally understand what you said btw.
Not with the people i play with..... Ive got a friend who has mastered the art of deflecting rockets, so i either have to close range him or not use them. And since they fly so slowly people have more time to get out of the way, which equates to more misses, which in turn is lower accuracy. Dont MESS with me killjoy
You're a noob if: - You're 11 - You curse all the time just to make yourself feel kewl. Oh, because you didn't base your response off of everything I said. Funny. Haha. >.<
Youre a nood if... -You get pissy because somebody points out that you are wrong -You are too immature to take on a problem head on, and instead use passive-aggressive tactics to take them out (ie whining until all the other people in the game leave... lulz this is a true story.) -You think the sniper is a short range weapon -You ninja somebody and freak out because you dont know what just happened. -You start campain on legendary so nobody will see that you can only beat it on easy Haha btw, the above sig has made me laugh for the past five minutes! hahaha!
This: And: -You think you are a sniper when all you can do is get point blank kills with it. XD Also: -When you freak out with joy when you get a headshot.
What about those of us that do that simply because it pleases us to here them getting more and more pissed off?