I'm sorry if you've stumbled upon this. Mods, lock and delete. Sorry I couldn't keep this up, I'll try again, later, but with school I don't have enough time for this. Sorry
i don't really know how you can make an awesome video for my left 4 dead 3 map. it's an infection map including a bomb shelter, tower, sniper platform, church, and several abandoned buildings (the game type is subject to change). the map is a little spread out but if you could do some nice editing for me (video editing with scenes/clips) that would be great.
Is it possible to ask you to join a GIP and just allow you to film what you think would look best in the video?
Ok. Do you want this to be a cinematic trailer, or actually show gameplay in an informational way? I need 2 know... ;P
Hey I like what you're doing here. Keep it up. I may call on your assistance in the near future. I have a map that has been getting tested for the past 4 weeks so when its finished it would be great if you could film a game play video.
Hey I am starting to work on my first map that I'm ever going to post on this site, hopefully the first of many but I'd like to start off witha bang you know? I might need some help soon
hmmmmmm how about a short machinima showing people escape the infection with a little of the gameplay in it but i don't care if it's informational, just if it looks good. oh and i changed the game type http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/99869-left-4-dead-3-a-post1194615.html, just make it so all vehicles show up because there is a secret ghost behind the zombie spawn
Doesnt the Dazzle DVC record in 720p? If it does and you're resizing to 1080p, it'll make the quality look worse, more like 480p than 1080p. I'd recommend keeping it the same quality as the highest your capture card can support.
Sorry, this might have come across as rude the first time. I've posted a response to this a few posts down. Thanks though.
Type of video: Game-play Name of Map: 2 v2 Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game-type: Slayer, KOTH and Oddball (perferably KOTH) Description: i am looking for a video to show off the how this map combines jumping and competitive gameplay Notes: There is an easteregg on this map it's not that hidden but you won't see i that easily (it is an equipment if possible don't show it's location if you find it but if you can find a cool way to show it off please do) and i will probaly rename it but for now that name will stay
But if you're capture card only captures in 720p.. the most you can get it 720p.. blowing it up to 1080p doesnt make it 1080p, it just stretches the pixels. Using you're logic, you may aswell go buy a Standard definition 480p capture card, and paste it over a 1080p canvas Quick question.. whats better in terms of quality. A 50" TV running at 1080p or a 21" monitor running at 1080p?
The video for the dazzle isn't stretched, but titles, text and other non dazzle elements are sharper and in HD. With youtube, the video becomes less pixelated and better quality overall, no matter if the actual source is in HD or not. I'm not saying your wrong. I'm going to look into this. Also, I export in 720p, sorry for the error in the OP. You are completely right, but I record on a 16:9 television. If you use a 4:3 export setting (SD, the dazzle's native recording definition. It doesn't record in 720p.) the video will be squashed and awkward looking. As of now, after multiple tests, 720p works best. Thanks for your concern though. In the meantime, though, sea urchin: your video is done and will be posted tomorrow. It's a cinematic trailer of sorts. I like it. --- Here is your video, sea urchin. YouTube - Forgehub Map Video: Left 4 dead 3 --- Sounds good. One thing: when you mean gameplay, do you want various camera angles showing off the map while gameplay is going on, or do you want a 1st person view of the gameplay in 1 continuos (sp) take?
I would love a video. Just a simple walkthrough set to a cool electric song. I really don't want to ask too much. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=116084392
Sounds good. I'll move your request up on the queue, because the other guy isn't replying for his 2v2 map.
Type of video (Game-play Trailer) Name of Map: Restricted Zone Name of game-type:ZH:ReZombified (Zombie Horde) Description: I would like some words saying "Restricted Zone" "A Forge Map By Devil95". Also I would like "Beauty of Annihilation" for music. Notes: Please include Credits for Testers and Video Creator (you) List of Testers: Organite UDie47Xs R3AP3R2117 Lostmarbl57 Dealing Pigeon SchuylerP Killer201771 MaN1C K1LLA 93 Santerian Killer Izano Russia And Others. **Video is in Gameplay trailer (26:00).**
i could use an action packed video of map Download Deep Space It would be great if you could do this thanks again. i dont really know what im doing.
If you don't have a TV over 50" you can't even tell the difference between 720p and 1080p, and don't bullshit and say you can. You can't. (steve, i'm not insulting you, i'm using your quote to help further my point<3)