Train me up?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Achilles HD, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Achilles HD

    Achilles HD Forerunner

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    hi guys im looking for some people just to give me an invite occasionally to play halo 3 to help me get better cause im a noob at this game so far.
    just when your testing maps or even random custom games il just join in if its okay. just im getting better every game and i wanna be the best i can for reach :D

    GT is: Achilles HD
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    yea i guess i can train you. what weapon are you interested in mastering? i can train in close range snipers, assassinations, and BR training.
    #2 Sgt Surchin, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  3. Achilles HD

    Achilles HD Forerunner

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    my BR's pretty solid now, I've got the aiming slightly in-front when they're strafing tip down i can long range snipe well enough, its just when im under pressure mid range with the snipe i choke and miss the no scope. close range im okay because i no scope the body and beat them pretty much instantly after, same as i do with shotty but any tips on hitting the no scope mid range while being fired at?
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    No-scoping is foolish. It causes you to shoot slightly higher than either of the scope variations, and since you move your view slightly different when scoped it does not feel like the correct speed. Even at mid range you want to use your scope. The majority of no-scopes are aiming for the neck because of the aimer, but its still nothing more than luck for most people.

    Beleive me, even the most legit of snipers will reccomend using a scope until you can average three kills a clip. And then to keep using it because its easier and more helpful. In other words, quickscoping ftw.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A few small tricks that helped me play better over the last few months:
    -find the best sensitivity and stick with it. You dont wanna be changing it for sniper use also.
    -turn off vibration on your controller, it makes you less jittery when you get shot and gives you a good solid aim.
    -Dont try to no scope unless you are incredibly close. Its not worth it and you waste your precious time. It is easier to quick scope (use the scope at an incredibly quick speed) and pull out a BR for the kill. No scoping is a gamble with your life.
    -When sniping, follow your target's movement. It makes aiming much easier when you move in the direction that they are going because you will be at the same speed (unless someone is walking slowly) and using the right stick to follow them is a little less reliable.
    -Ghandi hopping is a pretty helpful strategy. When you jump around and teabag in mid air, it messes with the enemy's aim and confuses them incredibly. Although your legs are just moving up in down, it gives off the illusion that your head is bouncing around and makes it hard to hit. So clicking the left stick rapidly helps. This is only a small trick and isnt incredibly effective.
    -When you are trying to run away because you have low health, point your head down and look away from the enemy. This shields most of your head and your back will take the hits.
    -Remember to strafe around and make yourself hard to hit when in a BR or sniper fight.
    #5 Loscocco, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  6. Achilles HD

    Achilles HD Forerunner

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    thanks loscocco il definatley try those right away :D
    i also got told to buy a new xbox controller as mine is 8 month old and after a while apparently the joysticks lose sensitivity or something or if i play call of duty they somehow adapt to that kind of jerking around they get when it comes to reactions and not fluid movement on their part. ive also heard this a few times on "engineering win" a show on machinima were good players like :
    bio hunta
    knight of light
    2 bucks
    and bwwaaa help out the cod sniper "hutch" become a better halo player by offering him tips on his gameplay every week. so i might try that too, thanks again dude.

    edit: my sniping is pretty decent as im good at aiming and predicting enemys movements and such as every game i play whether it be on any console i always snipe and i can quickscope any game, besides halo. its just weird to aim then shoot then get out of aiming quickly by beating the b button for me, il have to keep practicing though :p cause i suck at Q-scoping at the moment.
    #6 Achilles HD, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it depends on how you take care of your controllers. Mine begin to go off center after a while and I begin to move sideways when I want to stay still or clicking the sticks no longer work. Other than that, no I dont think anything bad ever happens to the sensitivity of the sticks.
    Some of my friends do go off about how if you use a wired controller, your in-game movements react faster to buttons being pushed, but I don't really believe that it is a huge advantage.

    Oh yeah another tip: watch MLG professional gameplay. You will begin to understand how people are thinking and how they play.
  8. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    then again, if you love ninja-ing the **** out of people, sensitivity 10 is the way to go.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Dont listen to Urchin if hes gonna say that. Me and my buddy are ninja pro. We got a montage to prove it that will be up somewhat soon, he plays at 3 while i play at seven. Ninjas dont take a certain sensitivity they take practice.
  10. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    if i wanted a montage i would have one but if you are sadistic and fast pace like me, sensitivity 10 works. if not, oh well i don't really know
  11. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Ancient

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    I could use some training on sniping in general. The only time my sniping is good is WaW. In everything else, it takes way too long to line up a shot. Also, on Vahala (or however that is spelled) it seems harder to track the target becuase they are always moving up and down or from side to side even when they are wlaking normally. The best sniping I can do is when the target is still or if they start jumping because I can time thier fall... and that only applies to long range for some reason...

    ... and my gt is ODSTpawner. I didn't make that, my friend did. I can't change it cus it cost ms.
  12. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I'll help if you want. My group does training for anyone who wants it. Message me on XBL if you're interested. My GT is Plasma Blades. We can train you in anything that you need.
  13. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    I have heard noone say Bumper Jumper.

    Button combinations, ghandi hopping, shooting and jumping, and certain strafe styles are a million times easier with the Bumper Jumper button layout.

    If you are wanting to get better desperately or are just plain pro, keep your sensitivity between 2-5. I use 1, but that is because I can't lead shots well and need to tame my beastly speedy fingers. Maybe 1 is for you?

    Thumbstick grips such as FPS GameFreaks are helpful if your controller is old, or your fingers are smooth.

    TURN VIBRATION OFF. Jitteryness is hard to avoid if you are being T>bagged or trashtalked or in a tie with one point away.

    Camping can be good. I worry about my gameplay more than being made fun of.

    In neutral grounds, NEVER RUSH UNLESS YOU ARE LOADING OUT. Try and let the other player rush first, or tease him with shots or grenades in dull cases.

    Learn spawntology.

    If you are in the lead, get what you need and camp. Learning a little offensive HLG is not bad. If you are desperate you can learn defensive HLG, though its rather boring.

    Take control of your map. Such as controlling the S. Tower in Guardian.

    Set your TV effects or ingame screen settings to match what you are best with or enjoy looking at.

    Sometimes its best to sit a certain distance away from your screen.

    Learn strafing styles.

    Learn MLG loadouts, even for non-MLG maps.

    I would teach you more, but you need to meet my teacher. Send me an FR and you can meet him. He is BEAST. My GT is BloodBender97.
    See you soon.

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