Got bored earlier and thought of a new little series of Indie Games. YouTube - Indie Game of the Week. I messed up alot because I was playing on a... 200x150 screen, because my dumbass didn't buy the right cables. But I bought a mic to do commentaries!
Make a nice crisp and clean intro, maybe 3 or 4 seconds, and yes, add commentary. Do those things and I think you'll have a nice mini series. Also,that music, hopefully coming from the game, was horrendous.
Yah I want to, don't really have the right tools. (That I know how to use well) I was searching for Sony Vegas, it's about $50 more than I want to spend right now, so i'll be saving for that. And really? You don't like the music, my fav. song EVER. No, it came with the game.