DEADPORT ZOMBIE HORDE The finer points of Zombie Horde: Spoiler STATS Zombie count two ALPHA 300% dmg resistance normal shields no recharge 150 dmg weapon- sword infinite ammo speed-90% gravity-100% vehicular use full enhanced mode 25 m range ZOMBIE 150 dmg resistance normal shields normal recharge 100% dmg sword infinite ammo speed- 150 gravity- 100 full vehicle use enhanced trackers 25 m HUMAN 1000 dmg resistance normal shields no recharge 110% dmg no infinite ammo weapon pickup speed- 90% gravity-150% sensors- normal LASTMAN unchanged OMEGA ZOMBIE 90 sec 500% dmg resistance normal shields no recharge 110% dmg infinite ammo speed- 90% gravity- 100% Sensors- unchanged waypoint- visible to everyone Deadport is a Zombie Horde expansion set in the confines of Orbital's tight corridors. The clustered halls create ample paranoia ideal for zombies but the weapons offered (and hidden) to the humans help to counter-balance gameplay and allows victory to fall into the most skillful hands. Let the classic battle between survival and brains begin. Humans start off in a simple room with only one way to go. A few weapons lay out ripe for the picking and after that it's time to move up the stairs. Be wary of that zone with the gravity lift. Speaking of the stairs. Not much to speak of here. You may encounter a zombie or two but otherwise continue up and avoid the explosives. In this first room you'll find a Mauler and a trap that can be used by either side involving a fusion coil and a wire spool. Do the math. You can always go back down the stairs, but if you're the adventrous type then you'll probably want to continue on. Be wary of that zone with the man cannon. This is the holdout zone. Most of the action happens here. It was designed that way and luckily and worked out just so. You can explore further, but this is generally the safest place to be. If you be brave then you can go on even further. This is the second room. A lot of death happens here. There are plenty of weapons calling thine name, but those pesky zombies like to assassinate people here a lot. Here you take the risk versus reward choice. Stay at the holdout with limited weaponry or traverse the treacherous second room for better weapons to ironically help survive longer. Be wary of that gravity lift zone. I suppose I didn't mention much about the weapon layout. I never said I forgot either. Finding what weapons you can haz is half the fun especially since many weapons are hidden. Not to mention after 3 minutes nearly every weapon upgrades to slightly help. The zombie spawn (not pictured) overlooks two teleporters that all take the zombies to the start room, the first room, and the second room. After 45, 90, and 180 seconds a CP spawns creating the Omega Zombie. Depending on what point in the round there can be up to 3 Omega's at one time. For those who have never played the game before, the Omega Zombie is a bad-mutha zombie. It is essentially the equivalent of a tank in any L4D gametype, sans the hammer. To conclude, Deadport was originally supposed to be part of map pack 3 for the Zombie Horde gametype by Devil95, but since it was put on hold it was decided that Deadport be released individually. Apologies for the lack of action shots. Most of the testing was done by Devil95 and his clan so I couldn't get shots. There is a video on my Youtube channel from back when the map sucked ass. So I don't advise watching it, but rest assured, it isn't bad anymore. We hope you enjoy it. In case you missed them: Map DL link: DEADPORT Gametype DL link: ZOMBIE HORDE ps: If there's any dispute over the use of Devil95's gametype, contact him. He gave me permission. Bitches.
Thank god it was released, I found this map to be the core fun of Zombie Horde. Zombie Horde was all about sticking with your teammates and to find a way to remove campers. This map was one of the most difficult Zombie Horde Maps but It is a sometimes possible to stay a live. I liked the idea with weapons inprovement (Assualt Rifle to Machine Gun Turret) and I would love to see more of that in Halo:Reach. So that Idea will most likey be seen in the A Dying Hope Series. I didn't know about a Youtube Video? I go check it out. I'll try to find the link. Anyway, If you have any complaints (I've heard many) please note that Zombie Horde will be alot more INPROVED in Halo:Reach. I do believe one reason is the Idea of Classes. If you create maps, you should be able to create classes for the mode. If thats possible nothing standing in my way. I'd like to thank many forgers like Organite and BabyBaconStrips helping me with the series in Halo 3. This has been too much and I thank you all. My Review for this map, 9/10. One of the most sucessful Zombie Horde Maps.
Wow an Orbital map, have not seen one of those in a while. Anyway, seems likethere is too much clutter around in certin areas like this Making there not alot of space to move around to which could pin a player down and then have that leading to their death.
Ya this really is crammed, but that adds to the game itself. I like the fact that there are limited weapons and in order to have a chance you must keep moving. And orbital is a nice break from sandbox, there are a LOT of things which you can do with the map. Same thing for ghost town-that would be perfect for a zombie horde mode if you would ghost merge the map right. Overall good job and keep forging, i like the gametype idea
First off, I have a map on Ghost Town. Sadly, the Map Link is broken. I will fix. Secondly, the reason why the map is so "cluttered" is because we wanted to make the humans more stressed and not free and relaxed. We wanted them to feel like there can die at any moment. The cluttered objects have been talked about before the release. This was an issue however, we have decreased alot compared to what you see. Zombie Horde was mean't for intense gameplay. And this shows it off perfectly. Trust me. Hooray! 500 Posts.
It is actually very easy to maneuveur Deadport. The stairs aren't bad. Just the angle I caught that pic at makes it look so. Besides, all you do is go up the stairs. Its more of an aesthetic piece meant to give the starting zombie a chance to not get owned right off the bat. And the Holdout is cluttered? I mean there's a couple crates laid down as LOS blockers for the turret. Other than that though that area is actually really open. Like really open. That's why it is an ideal area to holdout. And in case no one ever knew, Infection is designed for humans to die. As Devil95 said, ZH is meant to provoke teamwork to keep scores rising while still giving zombies a fighting chance to eventually end the round Something that is lacking in most Infection games these days.
My only problem with this map is the amount of fusion coils on the map. There are just so many that a random bullet could accidentally kill a teamate or an entire team. I would definatly suggest removing most if not all of the fusion coils from this map.
I don't think I ever played a game where someone died by fusion coil. They never respawn either. Even zombies can sustain a substantial blast. I do like that that's your only problem with it... so thanks... I guess. ha ha oh and devil, my Youtube channel is TheSentientblack
Thank god someone understands me. Friendly Fire doesn't exists in Zombie Horde. Not to be a huge turd in the punchbowl: People always complain about how the gametype sucks. Well, Im sorry if you don't fair games. If you don't like Zombie Horde go play Fat Kid. Simple. Infact Halo 3 is dying so I honestly don't care about how the members react now. I've been here 2 Years now and I don't care what anyone thinks anymore. Most of my maps keep getting the same questions. Is it Fair? Is it Escapable? These are all questions that noobs ask when I build a map. But no when a god forger like Insane or Vic or Top Hat come in. Its all, OH MY GOD And Teh best maps ev3r. This is why I don't see the point in making maps. I gave Organite this gametype to work with because I was done with Zombie Horde after someone said I should wait until Reach. So I am. This map doesn't look the best. Sometimes it Gameplay that matters over looks. Checkz out the Vidz: YouTube- Deadport
this map sounded intense from the posts ive read so i decieded i would check it out. And it lived up too my expectations, with a party of 12 we all had a blast playing this map. Reasons why My friends and I loved it: 1. Heart Pounding action that left me on the edge of my seat the whole match (well unless i was an ass kicking Omega Zombie lol then i laughed maniakally). 2. The map promoted communication and teamwrok as you never knew when the omega zombie was show up and where he was gonna stirke. 3. The cluter makes it so you constantly have to check your surrounding which is what makes a great infection game. 4. I felt proud when i was able to survive a good amount of time as i felt it took skill and good teamwork to make it. 5. The Risk vs Reward weapons was a brillant idea, and it caused some of the scarest moments to be going in with an ally, losing him then seeing the zombie for a spilt second before you were ambushed. (That happened to me btw 3 on 2 didn't go our way I saw the zombie that killed my friend then his too alllies got me from behind.) 6. Omega zombie is a bad ass! I have one small complaint, but its not a large one if you use teamwork and communitcation. 3 Omega Zombies is scary and just complete chaos when you dont have good team mates and your not prepared. Overall this map was a blast to play on, it is one of the best Orbital zombie maps ive played on. Great job! 5/5
Wait.... What? 3 Omegas? Organite didn't you fix that. Sorry, There was only suppost to be 2 Omegas every 90 Seconds. I'm posting a Full Map Pack with all the maps. Includes over 10 maps. This should release sometime within next week. I've decided to because I'm not working on anything new. So hey, what the hell. I
NO! don't watch the video. It gives a very false impression to how Deadport is now compared to back then. If you do watch it, just bear in mind that half the map is no longer accessible and that camping the zombie spawn is no longer an issue. No, I didn't fix that. There was never a problem with that. There's 3 CPs that spawn at 45, 90, and 180 seconds. At 3 and 6 minutes all 3 spawn simultaneously At 3 and 6 minutes all weapons upgrade as well, so 2 Omegas almost isn't enough. Besides, by then gameplay should become quite hectic. Think of it as a more wave based type thing: As your enemy gets more powerful so do you.
Ahhh, yes, I remember playing this with you the other day. It is quite reminiscent to L4D in terms of gameplay, which is not a bad thing, and the zombies just kept flowing. One thing I remember though is the time limit, did you change it? The rounds got tedious and, sorry to say it, quite boring after about 5 minutes or so. Also, did you remove some of the power weapons? It would be nice to put up a weapon list for everyone else to see. But overall I recommend that everyone give this map at least a try. Organite, I would love to run some customs with you on this. Gameplay 4/5 Originality 3/5 Build 4/5 Replayibility 4/5 So overall, a 4/5
you know you're game Zombie Horde reminds me a lot of Zombie Horde: the actual game ( I dont know, something seems similiar but I don't know what it is... anyway, although the zombies have a lot of health, they are muuuch slower than the humans so wouldn't it make it pretty much impossible for the zombies to even touch the humans?
say huh? I do believe the slowest zombies (the alphas and the omegas) go the same speed (90%) as the humans.
Hey in the first pic i noticed a cardboard box I have never noticed before. Is that a forge item or am I just blind?