The Old Version This is a switch I made for an upcoming map of mine.I needed a Warthog to float and stay in the air,but drop when you got in it without doing anything extra(destroying a grav lift,picking up a custom power up,etc.).After about an hour of failed contraptions,I came up with this: It uses only three objects and can be used for a variety of purposes. How it works: There is a grav lift on the arch,holding up the warthog. A shield door spawns above the warthog,barely touching the turret. When someone gets in the warthog,it moves it,causing it to bounce off of the shield and move out of the grav lift. The only things that need to be covered up are the grav lift and the shield door. Here is an example of it being used on a ship: Deployment Rough Landing If it is made right,this switch can be used with any vehicle. The only downside to this that I've noticed so far is that you can only use it once. The New Version The new version of this switch can support every vehicle except for the Tank,Wraith,and Hornets.The new version consists of 5 arch's,1 grav lift,1 blue light,and 1 shield door. Differences between the old and new versions: ~The old version could only support a few vehicles,while the new version can support all but 3 ~The old version used less arch's ~The new version can support up to 3 warthogs How it works: The new version works the exact same way as the old version Demonstration of the new version: Before the vehicle spawns 10 seconds later Go on blue Old version Link: : Halo 3 File Details New version Link: : Halo 3 File Details
That is accualty pretty cool. This seems very similar to the Warthig Drop system in rifte grifle's Pelican remake map. So if you do nit mind me asking, what kind of map do you have planned which this feaure of the map presented?
The third picture is actually the map I made this for.I'm not done with it yet and don't want to give anything away,but I will say that it is a well-forged dropship.
Sure!Anyone can use this switch if they want to.I have seen many UNSC ships and thought poeple could use this switch with them,if they wanted to.
That amazing for a map I was going to work on. I'm making a dropship ontop of the map for a sortof ODST map. Cool idea!
Thats pretty cool nice work Id put it in a map with like hallways that are connected to those switches then make a sort of road below them and make it kinda close quarters
Good to see a switch that I haven't seen done before. I have got a feeling that many will copy but you say you don't mind so thats fine I guess. My only concern is about that 'rough landing', does that happen consistently?
Very original and unique switch that i am sure will appear in many future maps. I honestly don't know why someone hasn't thought of this all ready. You also mentioned that if it was made right, it would work with other vehicles, too. Are there any it doesn't work with, or any you haven't tested yet?
I haven't tested all of the vehicles yet,but it will most likely not work for the ghost,the mongoose,or the Hornet.
I am about 95% done with the dropship,so no,I don't need a co-forger at this moment.Also,my internet isn't that good,so one of us would be lagging badly the entire game.
If you do not mind, I have an Idea for you. You could make a VIP desination Based game where the Defenders had to Defend a VIP until the Warthog DRops which allows them to get to a certin destination in which only the Hog can get on, like a big ramp jump.
That's a pretty good idea,I might work on something like that after I'm done with my dropship.If I make something like that,I'll be sure to give you credit for the idea.
Wait, does that mean it works with a banshee?!? Because the second you get in the banshee, it will just fly away anyway, so it wouldn't really "deploy".
Actually,in the new version,the banshee is held in place until it either deploys or you boost,and boosting while the shield is still waiting to be spawned isn't generally a good idea.And in case if you were wondering,the banshee looks awesome when it is being deployed.
Thanks,if you plan on making it,then you have to put the Banshee to not respawn at start,along with the shield door.