I guess it's ok, i suppose it's meant to look like fire? I don't understand the red circle though... 6/10 mine is pretty boring but a lot of people don't know how to make it. It's super complicated I know
Eh, sort of dull. Looks good on the background color, though. 7/10 I don't like my Halo 3 one that much, so here's my ODST one.
8/10 For teh Marathon awesomeness lol... Does look quite good though IMO. Just changed it to that this morning.. Nice to have an opinion so soon lol.
6/10. it's not overused, but it isn't particularly exciting. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/emblem.ashx?s=120&0=0&1=24&2=1&3=2&fi=54&bi=23&fl=1&m=1 sorry, not entirely sure how to embed images.
5/10 it has nothing that really makes a picture like how people make electrical plugs or frogs or ghosts. I like the background because it is like a backset to a swordbattle.
i like yours it is simple and unique i also like the colors of it 10/10 This is the one i usually have but i changed it for no reason and next time i get on Halo i am going to change it back < its Kenny
Pretty cool, I don't usually see it. 8/10. I'm just going to post mine again, since you guys completely ignored it...
I'm liking the colors but I wouldn't say it's that original. 6/10 I like mine but I hate all of Halo 3's body colors, imagine the grey as black. =/
Mine is a skull on fire but I have no idea how to post it. I like the first one though I give it a 7/10